This has been a long week so far! I have had internet issues at home but hopefully they will be worked out very soon! But don’t waste your time reading this! Get your Daily Web Developer/Designer Nerd Link Fix! Go! Go Now!
Very nice wordpress themes reviewed! This saves a ton of time!
Join the Twitter Background Showcase Group! on Flickr!
Really Inspiring Photography. Good Collection
Blogs get Hacked all the time these days. Be in the KNOW. – How to tell if your blog has been hacked. check it out.
Does your website have the right stuff?
Cool Floral Brushes! Freebies!
Even Andy Warhol Got Rejected – Moral of the story is, Keep trying guys
Really nice Rust Textures! Freebies!
Web Development/Designer Nerdy Daily Links For 10/28/2008 – Busy Week! Its already started off great! But don’t waste your time reading this! Get your Daily Web Developer/Designer Nerd Link Fix! Go! Go Now!
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Best Vector Tuts from October. Awesome collection of tutorials
Get Started with Ruby On Rails
Really awesome explosive photoshop tutorial!
Hooray for Black Friday, Gonna be some good stuff this year
Just a few examples of WHY you should be an ACTIVE twitter member
Good insight to getting started with creating your own premium WP theme!
Follow these steps and become a better designer!
Busy Week! Its already started off great! But don’t waste your time reading this! Get your Daily Web Developer/Designer Nerd Link Fix! Go! Go Now!
Some of the most amazing HDR Images I have ever seen.
Keep track of bananas and Coffee? lol
Well? Do You? Good Article.
Are you a Designer? And Have an iPhone? Get these apps now!!!
Collection of Graphic Designer’s Shoes! Some pretty cool ones. Dang you stylish guys!
Twitter is the hottest Social Media Platform of 2008..but if you lost your Followers, Following, and Replies on ‘Black Tweetsday’, you know the panic and fear that raced through the Twitterverse. Oh the Horror! Now there is a solution! <– Basically a twitter backup service.
Some examples of Minimalistic Design, Is this more effective?
Here are some funny(and kinda cute) RSS Animal Icons!
some good reasons to use CMS (although not all situations are good for this). Just keep it in mind as an option
Top Designer Interviews of 2008!
Great examples of Hand Drawn Design in Web Pages. Everyone can take something from this creativity.
@JonathanCutrell’s interview of @mjnewham & @adellecharles about Twitter!
Web Development/Designer Nerdy Daily Links For 10/28/2008 – Busy Week! Its already started off great! But don’t waste your time reading this! Get your Daily Web Developer/Designer Nerd Link Fix! Go! Go Now!
Hi Great blog, love the links. I’m designing a new site now so will use the inspiration.
I’ll be posting more web design articles on my Web Design Blog
I dig the list as always…
But sheesh, its tough to read man.. My eyes hurt trying to strain to read the stuff on your site
@Blogger_Addicter I appreciate your feedback
wow..absolutely fantastic site here buddy
very very very nice indeed