This has been a crazy week again for me! First it is the week we all vote for our president, AND I had to spend most of the day yesterday with my wife in the hospital, but she is feeling a little better! I hope all you Subscribers are having a great week! I am trying to get an early start today. now go and learn from those nerdy web techy web developer/designery Resources! Enjoy your day!
Text Effect
Cool paper text effect!
Sound Files
SFX for that next flash or video project of yours.
Fire Fox Milestone
I scream, You scream, 20% of us scream for FireFox. I know. it didn't rhyme.
Designer Interviews
So many great Designer Interviews lately. This is another example. Really nice artwork.
Roger Byrne Interview! You know him as the creator of Styletime and Votetime!
Illustrator Tutorial
Who knew Illustrator can create a Clean Layout for Web Pages? Not me.
FWDir, short for Framework Directory, is a database of programming frameworks spread across various programming languages such as PHP and CSS. A framework contains code used to help you develop fully-fledged projects with ease. They can help in various ways: by providing functions that help generate admin backends, by providing classes and functions for dealing with forms, and most importantly, by providing a pattern that can be used throughout your application.
Great read on ZendFramework performance. PHP/MYSQL
Web Developer/Designer Inspiration
A Collection of some Nice Twitter Profiles, this is a post that was compiled a month or so ago by yours truly, worth checking out
Collection of 'Image Caption' Designs. Never thought of how they were designed really. Opened my eyes!
If flickr was a meaningless galaxy of unknown planets with names of tags. then this would be it!
Kinda cool though still.
Impressive! A creative agency providing live stream of all 30 employees with the ability to chat with each one
A list of Applications that Every Designer should have in their dock. True story.
Funny Zip-up for Typography lovers!
Get a FREE issue of Layers Magazine. I love layers.
Really cool, and Free, audio editors you should use! I use Audacity
Really great collection of FREE web icons available to use!
Nice Twitter Buttons! and they are Vector!
Urban Brush set for photoshop!
Fishy Brushes!
Like they needed reasons.
Get Organized with Mind Maps!
PHP/jQuery Tutorial
create a photo admin section where an administrator can retrieve photos from a database and update the title of his photos simply by clicking on the appropriate text. Using PHP and jQuery! Enjoy!
SEO rules that you should follow!
InDesign Tutorial
Have you ever had to set up a catalog, a set of coupons or ads that are basically repetitive and have data stored in a database or spreadsheet?
Some Nice Premium Themes for only $20 bucks!
Quick and Easy tutorial for adding Widgets to Footer!
Anatomy of Professional Web Design
Is your design Anatomically Correct?
Some good Marketing Ideas, You probably aren't using!
Insight from someone who just fired their Job!
Web Developer/Designer Resources
Awesome collection of Feeds that all Designers should subscribe to.
So much to measure, so little time.
New book coming out, looks pretty good!
More Snippets of greatness for us PHP Developers
Web Development/Design Nerdy Daily Links For 11/04/2008 – Well The week is in full swing at Daily Nerdy Links posts! I hope all you Subscribers are having a great week and are learning a lot of good stuff! Today is going to be a busy day for me now go and learn from those nerdy web developer/designery Links
Sweet Abstract Vectors Tutorial in Illustrator, Looks kind of like an optical illusion.
Web 2.0 News
It had so much promise, The trouble with a good idea that has an underdeveloped revenue generating system.
Another great rundown! I love having these daily reading lists!
@Laren – Wow that does sound like some awesome functionality! I should be getting CS4 soon, i’ll have to check it out!
Hey, I resent being called nerdy! I’m a geek, tyvm!
Thanks for the link out.
Have you heard that InDesign CS4 is supposed to have really good Flash export capabilities? That’ll be a sweet thing to offer clients–“I’ll build your catalog/brochure/etc and then export it to Flash so you can stick it on the website, too!” It even does page transitions.
Cool list! I like the fact that you cover many different topics in these roundups. Good stuff!
Thanks! Sure thing!
Keep em comin!
Thanks Andy for the link add. It’s a 3 part series and hopefully you can include them all. This post is definately worth a Digg!