Its very exciting for AndySowards.com Because each week gets better! Last week was very much a success due to the 50th Post of Daily Nerd Links! I again (as I always do!) Would like to thank all of the Subscribers (Which grow by the day now!), daily visitors, and twitter friends for making it a success so far! I am proud to keep those nerdy web techy web developer/designery Resources coming to you each day for months to come! The posts seem to be getting bigger! So Go get Info Overloaded!
Web Developer/Designer Inspirations
LOL 80's computers are Hilarious. Awesome!
Some amazing sites!
Freaking AMAZING wallpaper collection, Really Beautiful
Amazingly Beautiful 3D Typography! Inspiration at its best!
Awesome CS4 Advertisement.
Another Great Collection of Inspirations, From Arbenting, In GREEN!
Some REALLY nice Typography found in Print Design.
Christmas Wish List Items
Tis the season to buy a Blue-Ray player!
Awesome Freebies from VECTORTUTS!
Ahhh bugs! Vector Brushes!
Awesome Splatters Vector Set!
Ridiculously useful collection of FREE Vector Graphics!
Awesome tutorial on making your WordPress a Membership Directory!
A Look into creating a WP Plugin
Photoshop Tutorials
Cool car color change video! Photoshop rules!
Awesome Web Interface Design Tutorials! Great List!
Freelance Web Developer/Designer Resources
7 Tips for Making Email More Effective | Freelance Folder | The Blog For Freelancers And Web-WorkersEmail Marketer? Make your email marketing more efficient!
Seen a Ton of Color Scheme and Palette Generators lately, here are a ton of the most popular ones!
Must Read books for Web Developers!
Web Development/Design Nerdy Daily Links For 11/07/2008 – Thanks to everyone that made yesterday a GREAT day for AndySowards.com since it was the 50th Daily Links Post here! I again Would like to thank all of the Subscribers(There are a lot more of you now!), daily visitors, and twitter friends
Get this stuff on your Brand Website Now!
Twitter Stuff
Tips on using Twitter to Enhance your Social Network. Good Article
Flash/3D Tutorial
Away3D Basic Class Explained.
Daily Poll
Music While Working? I say yes!
CSS and Dreamweaver for Beginners
CSS Basics in Dreamweaver, For Beginners.
So how do BIG companies use Social Media? Interesting.
Design Contest
Submit your best Photoshop Creation!
jQuery Stuff
Need a color picker? jQuery has the best.
Web Tools
Cool slide show generating web tools!
Startup Spotlight
Track and Get notified about Anything. Kinda cool