AndySowards.com has had a great week! I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving tomorrow, and remember to be thankful for everything that you have, Especially Daily Nerdy Resources! Enjoy this list of web developer/designer resources, and remember, Thanksgiving is TOMORROW!! Bless you all.
Laugh of the Day
Best Web Design ever. LOL JK
Web 2.0 News
Economy Hurts Technorati
Youtube is Getting a Redesign! Bigger is Better?
Web Developer Thanksgiving List.
This post saved me a ton of time incase anyone asks me what I am thankful for, I can just print this off and hand it out! Great things to be thankful for!
Giant collection of Free Icons! Nice ones!
Cool Avatar PSD Vector Icon set, If you are a GIRL! Seriously, its for girls.
Holiday Tutorials
Nice Roundup of Christmas Tutorials!
Mac News
Apple Sneakily adds Copyright Protection to MacBooks! How dare they!
Programming Stuff
Things to think about when building large scale sites, Totally forgot about the need for multiple languages
Videogame Industry Recession Proof? I think so.
Gadget News
Good insight, Interview with Geeky Gadget Blogger!
Google Stuff
A Look inside A Google Job Interview, Great Post, Always wondered what it was like to apply at Google
Web Developer/Designer Inspiration
More CRAZY and Creative Business Cards!!
Some really nice Yellow Inspirational Web Design!
Great examples of Mascot Designs!
Amazingly colorful Desktop wallpapers!
Web Development/Design Nerdy Daily Links For 11/25/2008 – Get your Mind ready for Thanksgiving with a healthy helping of Nerdy Links! Preparing you for thanksgiving this week ;)! Go get the resources!!
Great Designer Inspiration from Abduzeedo and Fabien Barral
Designs of the sites who's owner is on the Billboard Top 40
Great collection of Painted and Brushed Inspirations!
jQuery Stuff
Nice Ajax Uploader plugin for jQuery!
Breakdown for Understanding Selectables and Draggables with jQuery, Very Useful!
Web Developer/Designer Christmas Wish!
Tell Darren what you want for Christmas, The Geekier the Better!
Web Tools
Awesome Collaborative Editor! Textflow!
My PSD 2 HTML Contest Winners!
This contest is now over! Congratulations to the winners! The winners are: Steve B Brian Yerkes Steve Tolley Thanks to all who participated!
WordPress/Blogging Tips
Some quick tips for writing Clean WordPress Blog posts
Isometrics Tutorial
Great Tutorial for Designers that Deal with Isometrics
This is a great list, sometimes I forget how great some of the applications can be.
Crap in a box is too funny!