The week is still going strong! Thursday is here, prepare for some laughs in the post below! The Nerdy Web Development and Design Links are still coming daily though! So check them out and pass them on! Bless you all! Update: Sorry guys, I organized these this morning, but my host reverted back to an old version and I lost it, but the links are still there! so Check em out!
Web Developer/Designer Resources, Inspiration, and Hilariousness
No need for Travel! Google Maps Has us covered!
Google Maps FTW!
Daily Color Schemes!
Quick iMac photoshop Tutorial!
More Business Cardsss!!!
Great Free E-books to download!
Great Companies that Support the Design Community!
Keep your Professionalism, Even if it means losing Customers.
Rough and busy week for me! The Nerdy Web Development and Design Links are still coming daily though! So check them out and pass them on! Bless you
Are you selling yourself short?
Get Organized with Bento!
Rough and busy week for me! The Nerdy Web Development and Design Links are still coming daily though! So check them out and pass them on! Bless you
Awesomely FREE Old school Icons! Love the Gameboy!
Great approach to programming
Brainstorm with Dell
Best and Improved Software of the year! Nice!
Cool tutorials for 1337 Designers
Could be good for some, but bad for more albeit.
Alternatives to Paypal! Great resource!
Invaders Brush Set! Sweet Freebies!
Very nice featured graphics!
A Quick Dreamweaver Shortcut!
Funny list of People Types on Twitter to Unfollow
Huge Meta Tag Resource
Great tips to Improve yourself as a Web Designer!
Geekiest Collection of Images EVER.
Nice collection of Minimal Color Scheme websites!
Web Development/Design Nerdy Daily Links For 12/03/2008 – Rough and busy week for me! The Nerdy Web Development and Design Links are still coming daily though! So check them out and pass them on! Bless you all!
Illustration Artists Showcase and Inspiration – Part 1 | Featured | Web Design Blog | Design Shard |Awesome Illustrations!
We all need to be a little more of these two things next year. Good Article.
Great knowledge to have for a Designer.
Best of Colorburned in November!
Nice HDR Images! I love HDR!
Web Development/Design Nerdy Daily Links For 12/03/2008 – Rough and busy week for me! The Nerdy Web Development and Design Links are still coming daily though! So check them out and pass them on! Bless you all!
get real about Agile Design
Thanks for tracking
If you are interested in 17 Amazing “Realistic Fantasy Art Work” for your Dream