YES! Monday is over. Todays Links are huge, they will both Inspire you, and Make you uber nerdy smart! The Nerdy Web Development and Design Links are still coming daily! So check them out and pass them on! Bless you all!
Web Developer/Designer Inspirations
Web Development/Design Nerdy Daily Links For 12/08/2008 – New Week, New Inspirations. Todays Links have some really useful tips and ideas for you to try out! The Nerdy Web Development and Design Links are still coming daily! So check them out and pass them on! Bless you all!
100 Brands of Interest – Very nice logos
Awesome Christmas Cards!
Bring back the 80's, This is awesome.
I should get some of these for my babies
Tales of Typography! Web Designer Bed time stories? LoL
Inspirational Designer Quotes!!
Awesome collection of Photoshop Lighting Tutorials! Amazing!
Really nice and Clean Font Showcase! Brilliant!
Nice Clean Comment Form Designs! Inspirational Collection!
Some Great Advice, From some great people, focusing on their field.
Amazingly Inspirational Architecture!
A Breakdown of all the steps to make a Social Media Marketing plan work!
High Search engine ranks have nothing to do with SEO?
Avoid Failure.
Huge Collection of Posts using Twitter in marketing/Social Media!
Best of Chris Brogan, Nuff Said.
Great preview to a Seemingly Great book!
Make your ideas Open Source?
Get Traffic Right!
FREE eBooks! Nuff said?
Freebies! Christmas Fonts!
Grunge Corners and Edges Photoshop Brush Freebies!
Twitter Stuff
Don't feel like a jerk if you don't follow everyone.
Good reasons why Twitter is for the win, and friend feed is not.
Web Developer/Designer Resources
Great Idea on Syndicating Great Web Development/Design Feeds together!
Web Tools
Really simple and awesome web reminder tool!
Idea Sharing Site
jQuery Stuff
Cool jQuery Plugin!
Cool jQuery effect for inline text links!
Awesome! Track Outgoing clicks in Google Analytics with jQuery!!
jQuery is CSS For Designers
IE6 and Alpha PNGs
Good info on Alpha PNG's and IE 6
Design Tutorials
Awesome Photoshop paper texture 2 Web Design!!
Good insight on the workflow from PSD 2 WordPress!
Amazing Collection of Photoshop Tutorials!!
Quick Video about Photoshop Variables
Fluffy Clouds rock! Tutorial on how to achieve them!
Cool seamless pattern tutorial!
Design process steps!
Get these guys to FOWA! Good Idea
Send these guys to FOWA!
CSS Stuff
CSS Best Practices!
You'd be surprised at how many people need to read this. CSS Needs to be named too!
Food For Thought
I never knew you could Fail so much at Failing!
User Experience
Small things DO count in UX
New WP 2.7 Features!!
Cool wordpress Test Post pack!
Mac Stuff
Cool browser extention!
Mac + Backpack = Packrat
Design Contest for Bragging Rights! Theme: Extreme Sports Blog
The Gift of Knowledge GIVEaway! Good contest, good prizes, good cause!
Laugh of the Day
Are you a design geek?
Hey, thanks Andy for linking to my book’s blog, The Principles of Successful Freelancing. I hope you get a chance to read it at some point, would love to know what you think of it.
Hi Andy, I’m a little late to the party but just found your post. Thanks for the link and putting together such a comprehensive resource. Adding to my feeds now.
@ P Kayne, Sorry that there is a strain on your eyes, I am in the process of updating the site for easier reading. There just aren’t enough hours in the day! Thanks for your Comment!
Could this blog be any harder to read? I guess usability is of a low priority here
Great list once again! Thanks for including our PSD 2 WP tutorial.