Its Thursday! One week from now I will be having my 3rd baby boy! How crazy is that? Today Links are the same as the rest of the weeks, they will both Inspire you, and Make you uber nerdy smart! The Nerdy Web Development and Design Links are still coming daily! So check them out and pass them on! Bless you all!
Web Developer/Designer Inspiration
Sweet Business Card
Actually some pretty good ones!
amazing collection of Icon Sets!!
Great Web Design Inspiration!
More Freaking awesome houses!
So many ways to configure your new WP 2.7 Dashboard!
Ingegrade WordPress and Facebook Completely!
jQuery For Beginners!
Web Developer/Designer Resources
UI From the Masters!
Tips for Logo Design that works!
Pretty sweet tool for freelance designers!
Get more people to do business with you! Great!
Great tips for getting through a Business Downturn!
Sound Effects
Great places to get those Sound Effects for your Flash/3D/Video Projects!
$99 iPhone – Hoax!
$99 iPhone a Hoax!
Cool Scribbled Snowflakes!
MORE Awesome Icon Sets!!
More free cute twitter birds!
Great Collection of the MOST essential iPhone Apps of 2008!
Social Networking
Be Human!