Baby is born! Sebastian Nicholas Sowards was 8.5 lbs and 21 and a fourth inches long and born yesterday! Still in hospital, so still not fully ready to continue links, but hopefully Wednesday everyone will be fully recovered and back in action!! Thanks to all of my Friends and Supporters!!
Web Developer/Designer Resources, Tips, Tricks and Inspirations!
These are just some incredible WordPress Theme Customizations.
Things to think about when contacting a blogger.
This probably is the ultimate list of goodies on every developers wish list. Feel free to surprise me with something on this list 😉
Premium WordPress Theme Giveaway!
Amazing inspiration in this post.
Another great Best of the Week Wrapup from Abduzeedo.
Love after effects, really excited about this.
Every Programmer should have This.
Great look into Drupal as a Simple CMS Solution.
IE 6 Sucks. but when a client HAS to have IE6 compatability, and you have a ton of .png issues, these are life saver tips.
Best and Most Usable Themes from ThemeForest!