Its Tuesday! Hope you are all doing well, Pardon the late Daily links, but better late than never eh? Busy day today! So enjoy these Daily Links I slaved over :). Now Get your Daily Nerdy Web Development/Design Links!!
Web Development/Designer Resources, Inspirations and Entertainment!!
Great reasons to blog if you are an Ad Agency!
An inspirational read about a Designers path – even some design history!
Great tips for preparing to go Full Time Freelance!
Great video – Bit.ly really is a great service. so quick and easy
Can Twitter Beat Google Search? I am beginning to think so
Is your Web Markup a Nightmare? check out these tips to keep it in check!
Interesting read about Apples legal battle with copy cat
Its always nice to look into how other people use a certain technology or method
Cool Footnote plugin for jQuery!
Can you blame them? FF Rocks
Great read about Twitter and Karma
Interesting read. Surprised by some of the names I find here.
Very nice Posters – Inspirational!
I believe that AJAX is the future of the web, almost already is the present
Awesome Full Screen Background/Slideshow jQuery Plugin!! Cool effect
Great Places for Designers to grow their Development skills
Lots of great jQuery resources here!
VERY Creative Illustration Ads. Inspirational!!
Collection of Design Inspiration that you can collect and organize for reference! Sweet!
Awesome Splatter Brushes!
Amazing CSS Menu Resource! High Quality CSS Menus!
Some Stunning Tutorials for Posters and Ads, Very Nice!
Thanks ! for the link…to my article….
Helped me feelling great.
Thanks for adding my splatter brushes in there. I really appreciate it! Some very useful links to be amongst.