Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

Concept Feedback Review – get FREE quality feedback on web designs, Ideas & more!


So I have recently stumbled upon a great site that provides a really useful service for web designers, developers and freelancers like us. Its called Concept Feedback and its a great crowd-sourcing resource when you just need some good feedback on your designs!

Concept Feedback offers you a platform to showcase your new idea or design to the community of designers and creative minds that frequent the site. Also, there is an option to post privately – in case you just want to invite friends, co-workers or clients to review the concept. Its really easy to get started and signing up takes seconds (And its Free!).

Once you have your account, you can get started!!

Share your Idea/Design

Share Visual Examples of Idea/Design

Get Helpful Feedback from the Community!


Its that easy! Just put some info up about your project, the details, and give some visual examples of your web design, print design, idea, whatever, and you get back feedback that you can actually use, and its all free! Also, everyone in the community has a reputation associated with them, so its easy to see who is knowledgeable and active in the community! They have done a really good job of keeping track of your idea/design statistics as well, as seen below:

So having just stumbled upon this site recently, I will definitely start using the site in my own projects so that I can get some great feedback from the community, all in one place. So I can easily keep track of what needs to be tweaked/changed about my designs and projects so that it can be the best that it can be! I hope you will give it a try and enjoy!

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