Hope everyone had a GREAT VDAY! Today is the catch up day before we all start the weekend, so I compiled a short list for you today! Enjoy! Now Get your Daily Nerdy Web Development/Design Links!!
Web Development/Designer Resources, Inspirations and Entertainment!!
Great Places for AWESOME and FREE Twitter Backgrounds!
Things to do, and Not to do. On Twitter!
Great post to help you be a better writer!
Bounty for Virus Writer? Crazy Times haha
This is a VERY USEFUL Guide if you consistently make HTML Emails for yourself or your client
Most popular Social Networking Hash Tags!
Awesome Photoshop tutorial for designing a really nice letter!
Good list of some popular Web 2.0 Generators – Do less!
Awesome look at customizing paypal forms, buttons and Headers!
ITS THE WEEKEND! What more could you ask for? Oh? Whats that? Awesome freaking nerdy links for web devs and designers? Ok, fair enough. Here are some!
MORE Amazing Wallpapers for your apple!
Shortcut for installing Photoshop Brushes if you are new to mac! NiCE!
Great list of StumbleUpon Tutorials! StumbleUpon is a great traffic resource, it is so underused! Take advantage of these!
some awesome blocky/3d Web Designs!
Wow another great list, thanks for the mention.