Its Tuesday! Yesterday went fast for me because we were snowed in, but today will be a normal day! Whats a normal day without a HUGE DAILY LINKS LIST? I dunno, but I got one for you today! Now Get your Daily Nerdy Web Development/Design Links!!
Web Development/Designer Resources, Inspirations and Entertainment!!
Cool site that lists all the things people are giving away on twitter!
Cool grungy textures!
good read about online influence measurement!
Awesome read on speeding up your javascript part 3 and 4
Awesome read on speeding up your javascript
By the time you read this you could be having your own iMac or Mac Mini! New version!
Awesome look into Logo Designers Love of the sport
Companies that shell out BLING on their Engineers
Awesome read – people on twitter are great (See my king cake post for more info on twitter user kindness)
Good read about twitter and follower numbers
Awesome multi-twitter account manager!
Best of Feb's twitter tips!
Best of the web in February! Great collection!
very inspirational typography collection!
really nice floral brushes!
Awesome Wallpapers – Very pretty
Awesome concepts from microsoft
Video uploads for everyone!!
Awesome patterns!
Awesome interview with an Industrial Designer
Awesome logo design resources!
Good read about Gameplay design
Could a new twitter catch on now?
Awesome Dark Illustration tutorial!
Good logo trends
Awesome advertisements for inspiration!
Missing filters in CS4? you can still download them here
Good read about bloggers and advertising "Why You Should Pay Bloggers to Talk About your Brand"
Awesome poster giveaway contest
Twitter has some awesome VC's
Facebook not feeling so hot this month
Great read about Photographer Portfolio Websites
Great roundup of the best of February 2009!
Awesome Twitter tools and tutorials!!!
Awesome cloud brushes!
Lies of Logo Design!
Design a blog with 960 grid!
Awesome jQuery Slider box!
Cool link nudge with CSS Trick
Good features to make twitter better!
Awesome web apps for business!
great article that showcases the alternative uses of WordPress
Awesome resource for freelancers that need work!
Awesome text editors for Rich Text
great read about OO CSS!
GREAT RESOURCES for everyday projects
Great roundup of screencasting tools and techniques!
very nice explanation of FlickrScrollr!
AWESOME Site that gives developers/designers credit for working on a site
Best places to gain a loyal following for designer blogs!
Thank you for the nice and useful collection.
Hi Andy,
and thanks again!
Thank you for including my post to your long list of web resource..some of the links are new to me and worth to visit for more