Wow what a busy weekend, haven’t even been on twitter at all! Im not dead, in case you guys are wondering, just very tired :). Enjoy the nerdy links today! Thanks everyone for all the love and support, I appreciate you all! Now Get your Daily Nerdy Web Development/Design Links!!
Web Development/Designer Resources, Inspirations and Entertainment!!
Useful tips on branding Online!
AWESOME tutorial site
Good example of wordpress comment pagination
Huge wordpress tutorial resource!!
Twitter in Gmail?
Great read about traffic and giveaways
Great look at what a P.O. box can do for your freelance business
Huge list of 250 tweeters that rock – follow them all!
AWESOME visualization of web trends
GREAT Read – put a price on your design work, Awesome for freelancers
Sweet new minimalistic wordpress theme
Good read about the new DiggBar
Great read about twitter and business
Great video – 25 things I hate about facebook lol
Interesting read about styling file input fields
WordPress and SEO – Excellent article
Faster WP Development
Firefox is the future
wassup, Im traveling from Houston to Vegas and reading your site on my iphone and its coming out kinda unformatted so Im bookmarking this so I can come back and continue to view it tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by! Yeah sorry – i’ve been trying to get this thing redesigned but have been so busy!!! lol – in a perfect world, I will finish the redesign by 2011 haha – and all will be mobile friendly!