TGIF! How is everyone doing? Today’s links are full of Inspirations from all over the web as well as some great CSS and Javascript tips and tricks! so check those out! Hope you enjoy todays post and pass it to a friend! Thanks everyone for all the love and support, I appreciate you all! Now Get your Daily Nerdy Web Development/Design Links!!
Web Development/Designer Resources, Inspirations and Entertainment!!
Great places for downloading FREE and Excellent CSS Templates
Awesome iPhone Art App!!!
Quick and easy read, create external links the right way!
Awesome WP Plugin that pulls related news from other sites!
This helped me solve a IE runtime error when using the .innerHTML javascript method
Always a great javascript trick, I use innerHTML in forms all the time (when I don't feel like downloading jQuery)
quick and easy javascript word counter script – comes in handy for forms
Too busy for RSS? Lies, check these out!
Cool grungy textures!
Excellent read about the editor of PSDTUTS and VectorTuts – Sean Hodge!
SWEET Ways to make your site accessible using Standards!
Awesome WP Themes that are Ad Ready!
excellent 3DS Max camera effect tutorial
quick and easy tips for better and cleaner PHP code, it matters people!
Awesome 'things' giveaway! – mac app
Excellent collection of Ajax Lightbox and Modal solutions – javascript/jQuery
Another hilarious post from Tremendous news! Stop Crying!!
stunning bridges!
Great read about engaging your audience
These things are huge
Excellent Web Interface Designs! Inspirational!
So much inspiration!
Beautiful images that look un-earthly
STUNNING and CREATIVE ways to visualize data
Freaking awesome Inspirational site collection!!
Awesome! So when Can I have a self charging Macbook pro and wireless mouse?
Awesome Freebie Icon Set!
AWESOME TWITTER FACE OFF – see who won between me and my main man Calvin Lee!
My new logo if you didn't see it yesterday! Redesign is coming very soon!
Stunning high resolution light brushes!
HAHA! nice logo
Cool tips for displaying author meta info in WP 2.8
SWEET Print based tutorials!!
Great places to book some freelance gigs!