Check out my interview on Inspiredology!!
Freaking awesome websites!!
Some very advanced programming posts in yesterdays links, check them out and challenge yourself! UNIX Commands are fun if you've never used them before, also Advanced Javascript is just neat to see
Dead simple but Amazingly Useful Photoshop Tips
This looks pretty awesome.
Check out these crazy 8-bit inspirations I found a while back
This is so Hip. LOL
Cool Paper Textures!
These are amazing – Inspirational
It pays to be organized, really!
I want!
Great Portable apps you need to try!
Awesome iPhone app!!
Great read on Javascript Arguments, Also, very interesting use of the firebug console to 'run a demonstration' I love this.
Cool! Now I just need an iPhone to test these…. lol
Hooray! Still probably won't be getting an iMac for Christmas this year
holy crap, that is crazy!
Good Design posts in here!
Basic UNIX commands Great for UNIX Newbies, or anyone new to the command line or SSH in general – cheat sheat sorta