What Is Branding?
Branding – present participle of brand (Verb)
1. Mark with a branding iron.
2. Mark indelibly
According to Wikipedia Branding Is
The American Marketing Association defines a brand as a “Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.” A brand is thus a product or service whose dimensions differentiate it in some ways from other products or services designed to satisfy the same need. A brand can take many forms, including a name, sign, symbol, color combination or slogan. For example, Coca Cola is the name of a brand make by a particular company. The word branding began simply as a way to tell one person’s cattle from another by means of a hot iron stamp. The word brand has continued to evolve to encompass identity—it affects the personality of a product, company or service. It is defined by a perception, good or bad, that your customers or prospects have about you.
According to XKCD Branding Is
In honor of excellent branding design (which we are a huge fan of) we decided to collect some of the freshest and hottest branding we have seen in a while. Good Branding can be so incredibly epic, my favorite type of branding is when they brand all the little things that you never really expect to be branded. The Print aspects of branding are usually expected, flyers, brochures, business cards, etc. But I LOVE seeing awesome branding examples of glass, packaging, architectural (outside of building painted, logos inside building etc.) it really encompasses every aspect of their business and brand (from print paper materials to online web and mobile website design) and ties it all together in one uniform design theme that gets the message out across many mediums. It is all about the customer experience – use these branding techniques as great examples to go by if you really want to WOW your customer. I hope this inspires you on whatever it is that you are working on at the moment – Enjoy!
(Nice branding animation – makes it all come together!)
Need More Epic Branding Inspiration?
35 Perfect Examples Of Branding Design
Branding Inspiration
Beautiful Branding Package Design Inspiration
Branding Design Resources
15 Corporate Style Guides for Branding Inspiration
What brand wow’d you with epic branding material lately? leave it in the comments below!
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Awesome Post, I Learned Something New About Branding. Looking Forward To Read More Articles Like This. Thanks For The Share And Keep It Up.
Great list of branding and designing ideas, thanks for the share.
Thanks for that awesome post ! Some really nice branding design inspiration .
No problem! Glad you like it! Thanks for the comment