So I found some old postcards around the house lately, and loved the vintage look of them – So I rounded up a ton of vintage postcard designs, along with some ‘modern’ vintage postcard design examples, so you guys can get inspired by them! We take the mail for granted these days (and it might even go away soon!) but if you have some extra time, use this to think of some fun things to do with an old technology – the POST! Get inspired by these awesome modern ideas, like the google and the facebook postcards you will find below – perhaps use those ideas to create your own postcard designs, and get some printed off for you so you can go have fun mailing everyone you know these redundant cards :). Some of these cards are actually vintage originals though, so if you collect stamps or anything like that, you might want to add those to your collection! Whatever you are doing here, we hope you get inspired by the creative past, present and future these cards bring to mind :). Enjoy!
Love this Google Postcard. so epic lol.
Awesome Idea for a Save The Date Postcard – easy to do with Google Maps as your tool! Love the Vintage / Modern Look!
Classic Apple Postcards
These are epic, and beautiful – I want to send them to everyone I know just for fun lolol. Fantastic Idea for Modern Vintage Postcards – Everyone loves Apple.
My God. This is just Amazing. Keep going. Look for yourself. So much Vintage + Modern Epicness with Star Wars, Robots, and Aliens – Who thinks these things up lol.
These kind of creep me out (if you click on it there are more) – they remind me of Salad Fingers (anyone remember that?), because of the “Post-Haste” wordings and style lol
Wow, Original World Trade Center Postcard
Original Austin TX State Capitol Photo Postcard in 1907 – now that is vintage!
Wow, original pic of the Ford Motor Company on this Vintage Post Card – truly an amazing creation of man. Hard to believe we could build something like that back then
Good ole vintage pin-up girls on postcards – what would we have done without these in the past? lol
Awesome Vintage Picture Postcard of Conway Castle in Carnarvonshire Wales
These are awesome – Actual México 1968 Olympics Postcards
More Epic Vintage postcard originals – México 1970 Soccer World Cup
I love this. I think this was mainly for a joke, but facebook created this postcard to simulate a real life ‘poke’ I would totally buy this and mail it to a ton of people to ‘poke’ them in real life – so useless, but hilarious and awesome.
That is just awesome, like a vintage look with a modern code type
Also love the classy vintage look of these modern postcards – Like a Sir!
What was your favorite postcard? Do you have a fav that you received one time? Or maybe let us know which ones you would send your friends! I would totally send out the google and poke ones. Thanks for reading!
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