Time Magazine is just one of those Iconic things in our culture. No matter who you are, there is a good chance you have held and flipped through a Time Mag at some point in your life – that is a pretty powerful thing to think about. We can learn a lot from the design of the covers on Time Magazines throughout history. I am a huge fan of History and looking through these magazine covers brings up so much nostalgia, and so many memories of events and things that happened in our world. For the Designers out there, this post is really about a lot of things, not just the design of the covers. These covers invoke emotion, they make you feel a certain way, they make you think, they make you curious, and when you look back on them they bring nostalgic memories back to you – they do the job that all good designs set out to do.
What Is Time Magazine?
You know what it is, but the actual summarization of what it is as told by wikipedia is this…
Time (trademarked in capitals as TIME) is an American weekly news magazine published in New York City. A European edition (Time Europe, formerly known as Time Atlantic) is published in London and also covers the Middle East, Africa and, since 2003, Latin America. An Asian edition (Time Asia) is based in Hong Kong. The South Pacific edition, covering Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, is based in Sydney. In December 2008, Time discontinued publishing a Canadian advertiser edition.
Time is the world’s largest circulation weekly news magazine with a readership of 25 million, of which 20 million are in the US. It is widely regarded as one of the most popular magazines in history.
Wow, one of the most popular magazines in History! That is funny, since looking through these magazine covers is almost like a documentation of modern history. I always remember history books in school being really detailed up until the 19th century – then it kind of summed everything up pretty quickly – I am sure it is different in school books now, but if not, TIME Magazine would make a really great history book addition (a huge one lol).
So whatever you are working on, I hope that you can take away some ideas and inspiration from these classic (and modern) TIME Magazine covers. I hope you are inspired by the designs, the history and the stories. Whatever you do with this inspiration, as always, I hope you ENJOY it!
Little bit creepy, but definitely creative! haha gotta love these old Time Magazine Covers!
Seems accurate. Not much has changed since 1952 eh? lol
Marilyn Monroe! Probably one of the more popular magazines for collectors
Pfftt that Computer thing will never catch on
1985! The year I was born, they should have made ME Man of the Year! lol
These things have come along way since the very first Issue back in 1923…
This was the very first issue of Time Magazine that was printed in 1923
What was your favorite cover? Or what was your favorite issue that you can remember? Leave it in the comments below! Thanks for taking a trip down memory lane with us!
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