Now that the insanity of Black Friday is behind us… (Man, Where did 2012 go?!) a lot of you still have actual christmas shopping to do with actual people in mind that are harder to buy for than just what is “on sale” on one day a year lol. Luckily, we have been scanning the internets for you for the coolest, most geekified items that any creative geek would love to receive on annual “Give people stuff day” also known as Christmas (or X-mas, or whatever you kids call it these days.)! It is easy to get overwhelmed when christmas shopping – the holidays are stressful for sure – but hopefully since we did some legwork for you, we can de-stress you a little bit with this comprehensive list of stuff!
Holiday 2012 Geek Gift Guide
If you are shopping for a geek, you know that it is no easy task, hopefully this list of items will give you some ideas, or inspire you with some different ideas on your gift purchasing journey this year! The following list is something I have compiled (being a geek myself) of items that I would want for myself (if I had the money or someone was buying them for me that is. FEEL FREE TO BUY THEM FOR ME BTW LOL) these are in no particular order of course. I chose these items based on fun factor, coolness, and new/usefulness of the tech gadgets – hopefully they will be worthy additions to your shopping list (and your geeks will appreciate them!). Most importantly, I hope you don’t stress out over shopping and enjoy time with the family this year We all need that time to rewind and reflect on ourselves so that we can do more of the stuff that we love and make a difference in the world! Happy Holidays, I hope you enjoy!
For your epic gamer friend who loves to get his drank on!
Maybe he isn’t into Zelda, but everyone is into Assassins Creed – AMIRITE INTERNET!?
Any web geek that enjoys Youtube would appreciate an Epic Meal Time Shirt. Unless they are a Hater.
MUSCLES GLASSES – Where’s the Jack Daginals!?
Speaking of Glasses…These are totally a novelty gift, but any geek can appreciate 8-bit Sunglasses! They actually look cool too, plus they are cheap – Epic Stocking Stuffers!!
Every gaming geek has probably fallen in love with Minecraft by now, so this shirt is pretty perfect.
If you are a gaming geek with kids (like me) and want to get your children into either Minecraft, or Legos, this is a double whammy! Minecraft LEGOs!
Can’t forget about the ladies, check out this geeky awesome pixel necklace!
Get your geek girl a diamond pendant! (minecraft diamonds, that is lol)
If you are getting a game for a geek this year, Halo 4 is easily one of the most anticipated games of 2012, and it is out now!
If the geek on your list doesn’t have an XBOX 360 though, and you REALLY LOVE THEM (really really lol) pick up this bundle with halo 4 and this freaking cool halo 4 custom cased xbox360! I have never received a gift this epic lol
The Kindle is always a good gift, now is a better time than ever to give them since they are so cheap. Get it for your geek! (if they don’t already have one haha, maybe ask first! LOL)
One of the hottest gaming consoles this year is the Wii U! It just came out last week, and they are sold out pretty much everywhere except for Amazon & eBay (slightly marked up lol) of course. I actually have one that I preordered (I did a review of it over here if you want to know my thoughts) I would say definitely get one if you have young kids that love mario & nintendo games, If you are a hardcore gamer though, maybe hold off for the other next generation systems that will come out.
The iPad 3 – The must have gadget for any tech geek!
If you aren’t into Apple Tablets, perhaps give Microsofts attempt at Tablet Domination – The Surface! I actually want one
Nothing is quite as manly, or cool, as this beanie with a beard.. hat… thing. I love it. Pick one up here
Don’t just LOOK like a man (with that epic beanie) – SMELL like one too! This is my favorite (and most manliest) scent good ole Old Spice has to offer in my opinion. I’m on a Horse.
Any geek that loves the Portal game series will freaking love this epic USB Turret! It defends your desk! If you knock it over it vibrates – brilliant!
Can’t have a turret without a portal gun!
Epic Portal Gun Replica Is EPIC!
That. Is Hilarious. The Useless Box.
For the geek that likes to put things together :D. POTATO GLADOS!
For that hardcore Game of Thrones fan you know!
Game of Thrones Action Figures = WIN.
Tyrion Lannister! Easily my favorite Game of Thrones Character.
Maybe they aren’t into Game of Thrones – If they are into zombies, then they would love the Walking Dead! This is the complete second season – Check out that epic custom packaging!!
And if you are preparing for said Zombie Apocalypse, then you need this bad boy for staying Off The Grid! Its your standard radio that picks up AM, FM, shortwave and weatherband radio stations. HOWEVER, you can Power it with a hand crank or by just using solar power (or you can wimp out and use batteries or an AC adapter (not included)). You can even use it as an alarm, flashlight or a cell phone charger. Epic Survival Win.
This is awesome for the music loving teen geek that constantly has headphones on, this hat has built in headphones!
For the techy science geek – USB Microscope FTW! WANT.
Another awesome USB Microscope, see it in action! This one is more heavy duty than the last one
You may be able to resist some memes… but not ALL THE MEMES! In magnet form!
A Pillow for that pin addict Pinterest fan you know (its you, but its ok. We don’t judge here.)
One of the best programmer shirts i’ve seen in a while haha. Pretty much sums it up.
LMAO. I NEED this hoodie. Epic Science Geek Gift!
LOVE this Iron Giant Movie Poster.
Awesome poster for a Metroid Geek!
AWESOME Zelda Art Poster – Red Potions!
Another epic Zelda Poster – Value of Rupees!
This little guy is changing the tv game! The Roku Streaming Player is basically a stand alone streaming content box (great if you don’t already have something that does this, like a game console) that you can use to view awesome stuff like Netflix, Amazon Instant, Hulu Plus, and Pandora on your TV! It is pretty cheap too!
For The Working Creatives
It isn’t all fun and games though, this gift giving thing. You most likely have people on your wish-list that are workaholics and need the latest gadgets to get actual work done rather than have fun with (although, they believe working is fun Win Win!) So check out these awesome gadgets for the working Creative Geek, Web Designer, Photographer & The Like!
Any photographer would most likely love to have/play with this thing. The Lytro light field camera lets you focus your pictures LATER, after you take them! Brilliant!
Anyone who takes a lot of video would love one of the awesome Gopro cameras!
Ah. A Brand New Macbook Pro. How I wish I was getting one of these for Christmas lol.
The HP Envy Spectre is a pretty nice little notebook for the price!
The ASUS VivoBook is another nice little laptop everyone wants this holiday season! It even has a touch screen!
I would LOVE to have this for Christmas… or any 3D Printer for that matter! A bit pricey though. But think of the possibilities!
Infographics are all the rage these days so this would be the perfect gift for any designer interested in making data beautiful!
Any Creative, Web Designer, or Typography Geek in general would love this book!
Need MORE Epic Geek Gift Ideas For Cool Gadgets and such!? Check out the stuff in these posts, it is a little something for everyone!
70+ Best Books On Web Design
30+ Cool Geek Gift Ideas & Gadgets For Fathers Day
140+ Best Funny Shirt Ideas of 2012
80+ Pieces of Epic Geek Jewelry For Nerdy Girls
What was your favorite gift?? Have you gotten any epic gifts in the past? What do YOU Want for Christmas? Sit on Santa’s Lap and Leave it in the comments below, we would love to hear from YOU! As always, Thanks for Reading!
You like this? Don’t forget to follow us on twitter @andysowards and like us on facebook @andysowardsfan! We are also on that Google Plus & Pinterest thing.
Awesome, awesome, awesome! I have been looking for a good list of gift ideas! Thanks again
These are some awesome gift ideas! I love the presentation for the Walking Dead set.
Thanks Luis! Glad you like it – yeah that thing is pretty crazy awesome lol
Thanks for posting this article, Andy; there are a ton of great gift ideas here. The Makerbot is easily my favorite here, but I’d settle for a Lytro camera. I have another great suggestion for the TV/Movie loving geeks out there; it’s the DISH Sling Adapter, and it streams live TV and recordings from a DISH DVR to nearly any device. One of my coworkers from DISH gave me one at our Secret Santa party last year, and I have used it almost daily ever since. I love being able to watch a movie when ever things get a little slow around the office!