So I found this epic 90’s playlist on spotify (love spotify) that i’ve been listening to and all these memories of my childhood kept rushing back to me – and what did I do a LOT during my childhood? Well lots of things, but one of the things I did the most was probably read Video Game Magazines for Hourrrsssss. I had so many. I still have a lot of them. But the times I had with those magazines were probably the best times i’ve had in my childhood life! So I decided to put together some of my favorite magazine cover arts with some more print ads (I had probably at least half of these magazines – EGM, GamePro, NextGen, Nintendo Power, etc.) – let the nostalgia take you over and inspire you! You can even click through and download some of these magazines I believe since they are long out of print – that is epic. If you like this then we did a few geeky nostalgia print ad & vintage video game art posts in the past, check those out – and as always enjoy!
Such a good game lol – Classic
I Specifically remember picking this magazine up from my stack of magazines so many times – I was about 8 or 9
Holy Crap, I used to always want to win that, it was a “giveaway ad” in almost every issue of every game mag in the 90’s, I would sit and think about what I would do with all that awesomeness (of course I never won, wonder if anyone ever did? haha)
lol @ 5th bullet point – PLUGS INTO THE TV WOW lol
Used to pick this one out of my stack quite a few times as well
Used to love GameFan – they had the coolest artwork & Illustrations in the beginning
I just remembered I used to dislike how GamePro magazine was stapled together, the cover would always try to come off after some wear and tear lol
Used to LOVE the Sears Catalog – this is awesome tho, you can see the prices your parents payed lol
Oh the memories. I used to love MK Trilogy So Much.
Castlevania: Symphony of The Night – best castlevania game (nay, any game) everrrr
So many hours were spent playing Goldeneye 007 for N64
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Una galeria excelente, las revistas americanas son las mejores.
Excellent gallery thanks
no problem, glad you liked them! I am lucky to have a childhood full of memories from them!
HOLY EPIC….WOW! So many gaming memories! This is easily the best retro blog post I’ve stumbled upon in weeks. You’ve made twelve year old me extremely happy!
Thanks I am glad you like it! Yeah haha – the 12 year old me, made me write this stuff I do believe
Enjoy the epic retroness!