We Have Some Winners!!
The 3 lucky Winners were…
Angie Bowen
Who picked this shirt…
Ron Graham
Who picked this shirt…
Who picked this shirt…
Special thanks to everyone that participated! Your support was overwhelming! Don’t worry if you didn’t win though, You actually have another chance, RIGHT NOW, to win some more Glenn Jones Shirts! Check out my $30 Voucher to GLENNZ TEES Giveaway going on now!
And as always another awesome design giveaway is around the corner! Stay tuned!
Here we are again with another epic giveaway! Today we are honored once again to partner with our favorite t-shirt company, Threadless, to bring you this exclusive giveaway. We are excited to be a part of this special month at threadless, commemorating Glenn Jones in their “Made By” Series. They will be printing 8 unprinted designs by Glenn, as well as reprinting/restocking 5 of his previously printed tees (which you get a chance to grab for free!). The “Made By” series is a collection of tees that showcases a specific artist on Threadless.
In my opinion Glenn Jones is one of the most, if not the best, t-shirt designers when it comes to beautiful, simple, clever, and hilarious t-shirt designs. His shirts are definitely my favorite – and today we are giving some away!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!?
As you have probably seen, they have some seriously awesome & funny t-shirts, well today is your chance to get your hands on one of these sweet shirts Made By: Glenn Jones absolutely Free!
Who is Threadless?
Threadless is an online community of artists and an e-commerce website based in Chicago, Illinois. Threadless designs are created by and chosen by an online community. Each week, about 1,000 designs are submitted online and are put to a public vote. After seven days the staff reviews the top-scoring designs. Based on the average score and community feedback, about 10 designs are selected each week, printed on clothing and other products, and sold worldwide through the online store and at their retail store in Chicago. Designers whose work is printed receive $2,000 in cash and $500 in Threadless gift cards, which can be exchanged for $200 cash. Each time a design is reprinted, the respective artist receives $500 cash. Threadless keeps rights to the design on clothing; designers keep the rights to their designs on all other media.
What Can I Win?
3 lucky winners will receive ANY SHIRT MADE BY: GLENN JONES OF THEIR CHOICE that is currently in stock & in their size from Threadless.com – See all of Glenn’s Shirt Designs.
These are the designs up for grabs – made by Glenn Jones, you can pick any one of these shirts if you win
As a star trek geek – I loves it.
How Do I Win?
EASY! Here is what you have to do.
1) Leave a Comment on this blog post about which shirt you want to win from the available Glenn Jones Shirts at threadless – NOTE: Make sure the shirt is in stock with your size – also leave a valid email so we can contact you.
2) That is it! Told you it was simple
Rules: Entries must be received before 5PM EST on June 29th, 2012
Our system will choose the winner using random.org and we’ll announce them in a short followup post the day after the giveaway.
Good Luck Everyone!!
You like this giveaway? Don’t forget to follow us on twitter @andysowards and like us on facebook @andysowardsfan! We are also on that Google Plus & Pinterest thing. We post giveaways regularly so check back often (FOR FREE STUFF!)
Thanks Andy! What a surprise. Looking forward to my fellow Kiwi Glenn Jones “Illogical Incident” tee from Threadless. Love them both. Thanks again.
you are welcome! Thanks for participating
Have a great week! – Thanks also to everyone who entered! More Giveaways on the way 
I would love to win the ‘war against work’ tee in medium!
cowboys and indians, S!
I love “What Would Macgyver Do?” it was really great tv-series
I want that..Illogical Incident.
Definitely What Would Macgyver Do?; awesome t-shirt!
Cowboys and Indians, FTW!
L, Male
Lonely Lighthouse Keeper, thanks a lot!
Woohoo! How about a Wind Farmer shirt, medium!!!
It has to be “Illogical Incident”. Glen’s a fellow Kiwi, I subscribe to his emails so I keep track of his designs, and I wake up from dreams saying, “Well that was illogical”.
awesome designs!
I <3 "WWMD" aka What Would MacGyver Do?
medium, male
I would love the ‘Illogical Incident’ in size small girly!
‘Illogical Incident’, Size Small Female. Thanks for the competition!
I’d love “Biblical Disaster” in a girly medium. Thanks for the chance to win!
‘Illogical Incident’, Size Small Female.
I would love to get “What would Macgyver do?”
I would want Invasion of the juice snatchers in men’s medium!!!!
Alfred’s Day Off in a girly S!
I would want the Biblical Disaster in a men’s medium
I’d like to win a Medium – The War Against Work.
“Wind Farmer” Medium.
I like Illogical Incident. An XL. Awesome shirt
“Alfred’s Day off” in a guys small would be awesome! regards from the UK
Alfred’s Day Off in a girly large
so CUTE!
I can’t decide between The Lonely Lighthouse Keeper or Calling Home. So if I win surprise me! Large please. Thanks for the offer!!
I really want “Calling Home”!
Size small, please!
“What would Macgyver do”
I’d really to get Cowboys and Indians!!
I’d really like to get Cowboys and Indians
You guys rock!
It’s hard to choose only one, but I simply adore the Lonely Lighthouse Keeper.
“Lonely Lighthouse Keeper”
Alfred’s day off!!!!! Cool! Makes my day great!!! (after i hve a lost tempered with my boss all day long) … hope “alfred” will come to my day!!! Lol… Size S.. Lol!
I love the McG one! L will be fine!
Invasion of the Juice Snatchers! Bwhaha… … o.o Yes, please.
Id love the inuit innovations!!!
Well spotted, Andy.
I would love “Alfred’s Day Off” in a 2XL.
– Ron
batman and robin for sures! Gimme gimme!
My favorite shirt is Inuit Innovations. I would want the girly tee in a L.
Please Please let me win “Calling Home”!
WWMcG Do in Large please?
my fav is the indians and cowboys one! so clever! plz pick me!
I love Illogical incident. sometimes i feel exactly the same
Cowboys and Indians, please!
Loving the Cowboys v/s Indians. Hilarious. If t-shirts could save the world…
Hope to win the Calling Home t-shirt
I really would like to win “What Would Macgyver Do?” great design and good question
May the Best Man or Woman Win!:D
I like Kite Parkour
I really like the war against work. Cheers.
I want to win this shirt “What Would Macgyver Do”.
I’m really diggin’ the “Inuit Innovations” shirt.
I’d love to have the “wind farmer” shirt. Thanks so much for the opportunity!!
Is it possible to win a shirt including shipping to germany?
Hey André – thanks for asking (and entering!)! Yes the winners will get their tee shipped internationally for free
– So Tell all your friends around the world to enter too!