Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

20+ Best Free Comic Fonts

So I just got back from AdobeMAX (which I am putting together all the awesome stuff I learned and saw there, so stay tuned for that post and other posts) and one of the many themes that kept coming up there is the use of typography (Fonts, type, etc.) in web designs and in real world designs, I even got a shirt that says “I kern street signs with my mind” (which was freakin awesome). So I thought I would put together a nice post about some free fonts you could use for comics (web comics, or print!). I am sure most of you have thought of starting your own comic, or web comic, at some point (I know I have.) it just seems like a fun project to work on!

If you are like me, then you probably tried to do a few storyboards with your drawings and try to make it into a comic – it is definitely fun stuff – but one of the things that always kept me from enjoying the comics that I made was the type! You start off on your comic creation process with high hopes and you like the look of your illustrations but then you look at the type and it just feels lifeless, and dull, compared to the comic books you have seen and read before! It is hard to find a font that makes your comic come to life – but never fear! Today we have collected a nice little showcase of some of the best comic fonts (that you can use for free! These are from urbanfonts.com) to use in your comics! So if you have a comic book in your head, or in progress that you haven’t finished because you can’t find “The right font” – then check these out and see if you can implement them into your projects! Enjoy!


Tall Paul

Big Fish Ensemble

Junior and Stinky

Shark Random Funnyness

Font in a Red Suit

King Kikapu



Planet Benson


Handmade Typewriter




Blue Stone


The Aquabats!

Teen Spirit

Calvin and Hobbes


Agent Orange


Linda’s Lament


What was your favorite Free Comic Font? Found any awesome fonts for comics that we have missed? Made any awesome Comic style typography of your own? Share with the class in the comments below! Thanks for Reading!

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