Branding, Business, Design, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Inspiration, Marketing, Print

35 Ultimate Examples of Identity Design

Building a brand identity for a corporate house is extremely important as it helps to spread positive vibes about the company before the masses. Brand identity is always created in accordance with the objectives or goals and philosophy of the business house. Building a great corporate identity design primarily encompasses three aspects. First is the corporate design which includes the logo design of the company, the colors with which we identify the brand name, promotional materials of the company, and uniform of the employees. Next is corporate communication, which encompasses promotion of the particular brand as well as public relation and thirdly, corporate behavior in incorporating the values and principles of the company. For designing the brand identity equal weight must be given on all three of these factors.

Identity design is the visual identity that helps an organization to get due recognition amongst the hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of other available options and helps in the process of image and trust building. Moreover, organizations that have stake in many sectors have to build up a strong brand identity so that they can create a sense of uniformity amongst its different branches. It also helps in creating a sense of uniformity and loyalty amongst the employees working in different sectors of the organization.

Here are thirty five awesome examples of identity designs that are being used by different kinds of business houses starting from beauty salons to music companies and herbal medicinal brand. The designers will get a concrete idea about identity design after studying these samples and thereafter come up with their unique creation. Enjoy!!

1. Day Spa

2. Vinyl Records identity design

3. Creavisa

4. Fav securities

5. CEC corporate identity

6. Piroozan Web Gostar

7. Flowerator Corporate Identity

8. Traditional China Medicine

9. Bons Design

10. Mitea

11. Superman corporate identity

12. Ex Agris identity

13. Corporate Identity Design

14. Valens Energy Drink

15. IZU Identity

16. Nolitan Group

17. Tenni Swim Life

18. Handmade Jewellery shop

19. Personal Identity

20. Design Corporate Identity

21. Stockholm Culture Festival Identity

22. OEN Identity

23. Pink Martini Corp Id

24. Dioxy portfolio Corporate – CRI

25. QD Studios Corporate Identity

26. Brandcore corporate

27. Cinema Go

28. Integrity Spirits Identity

29. Choice Stationary

30. OCEAN Corporate identity

31. Cqntrql logo


33. Computer Cafe

34. TruForm pools logo

35. Yosho

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