Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

30+ Epic Motorcycle Helmet Designs

When we think of custom design, a lot of things can come to mind. It is easy to forget that there are out of the ordinary items and products that people care enough about to go all in and custom make them, or take something and customize it to look like something else. To the regular designer these things seem like a lot of work but to the dedicated they are a project of pure passion. Everyone has seen motorcycles, and everyone has seen motorcycle helmets, but unless you have looked I guarantee you have never seen helmets quite this freaking AWESOME before.

I recently stumbled upon some amazing custom motorcycle designs so I put the best here for you to get inspired by. Some of these are custom painted, others are modded to look like completely different helmets, from movies or another era. When I was a kid I thought motorcycle helmets were the most badass things anyone could wear (due in part from watching car movies like the wraith growing up). If you are making your own full faced helmet, see also this great guide. So get inspired by these custom creations to go out and make your own… whatever it is. It could be anything, doesn’t have to be a helmet, it could be a bike – or a cosplay outfit, or a custom desk, some diy gadget – whatever you want to make just make it! Onward to inspiration!




All you need is some tape and some creativity!

With a name like Shark Streetfighter. That is just cool.

What was your favorite motorcycle helmet? Found any awesome custom helmets that we have missed? Share with the class in the comments below! Thanks for Reading!

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