Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

Getting Your ID Card Design Right

Most firms are very aware of the importance of their brand. They, rightly, put a lot of time, money and effort into getting their branding right. Those firms that get this right benefit greatly, and quickly turn themselves into the first company someone thinks of when they need a product or service.

However, I have noticed that even those firms that invest a great deal in branding, and use their brand on everything from letterheads to their company premises still miss a trick. Many companies do not include their brand on their staff Ids. Doing so helps to ensure that your staff look professional and to clearly identify then as a representative of your firm as well as being another opportunity to boost your branding.

Providing you staff with branded identification badges brings several benefits, so getting the design right is important. Here are the things you should consider when designing identification cards for your staff.


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For most firms ID cards are primarily a way of quickly identifying the wearer and confirming that they should have access to a particular area of the building. Therefore, the design of staff ID cards has to be able to accommodate the name of the wearer and potentially also their job title and a photo. The design also has to be complex enough to make it hard for a potential imposter to replicate.

Reflects your brand

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If your employees deal with customers in face-to-face situations, the ID card needs to reflect your brand. Therefore, it should feature your company colours, font and, where appropriate, your firm’s logo.

Also, consider adding a background image. Doing so will make your ID cards more difficult to copy, but you have to be careful to make sure that the details on the badge can still be easily read. You want your security team to be able to identify the person and quickly determine whether they should be in that area of your business premises.

Team building

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In a large company, it can be hard for people to remember the name of everyone they come into contact with during the workday. This is another reason the design has to be clear and crisp enough to allow people to read the name quickly and easily.

Consider printing your own

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When you are happy with your design, you can go down the traditional route of recruiting an experienced ID Card Printing company such as Digital ID or you can opt to purchase the products individually from them and print the cards yourself. The cost of ID card printers, card blanks and inks have both fallen drastically recently, so printing your company identification cards is now very affordable.

Printing them yourself gives you complete control of the creative process and opens up the option of regularly updating and changing the design of your firm’s identification card. If you want your brand to stay fresh and relevant you need to tweak it on a regular basis, and when you do, you really should be updating the design of your staff ID cards at the same time. For this reason, investing in a card printer makes sense for many companies.

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