Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

Be Your Own Boss

Working for yourself brings so many positives. You can work around your own schedule, nobody is telling you what to do, and you can run things exactly how you’d like them to be run. Once you have that amazing idea, you can propel yourself into the business world. But at the same time, there’s just so much competition out there, that it really is difficult to become a successful entrepreneur. Some of the most successful businessmen and women, have had to put in so much time and effort to ensure their companies are successful.

There are many reasons why you might want to be your own boss. Some of the most common reasons include:

If you’re thinking about becoming your own boss, there are a few things you can do to get started:

  1. Do your research: Before you start any business, it’s important to do your research and learn as much as you can about the industry you’re interested in. This will help you to make informed decisions and to avoid costly mistakes.
  2. Create a business plan: A business plan is a roadmap for your business. It should include your goals, strategies, and financial projections. This will help you to stay on track and to make sure that your business is successful.
  3. Get funding: Unless you have the money to start your business yourself, you’ll need to find a way to get funding. This could come from a bank loan, investors, or crowdfunding.
  4. Build a team: No one can do everything on their own. As your business grows, you’ll need to hire employees to help you with the work. Make sure to hire people who are qualified and who share your vision for the business.
  5. Market your business: Once you’re up and running, you need to start marketing your business. This could involve advertising, public relations, or social media marketing. The goal is to get the word out about your business and to attract customers.

Becoming your own boss is a big undertaking, but it can be very rewarding. If you’re willing to put in the hard work, it can be a great way to achieve your financial and personal goals.

Take a look at these tips, and see how you can get things going.

The Idea

7 Proven Ways to Come Up with New Business Ideas – With Real Life Examples

Coming up with the actual idea is the most annoying process of them all. Unless you’ve had a business handed down to you, or you’ve worked your way up through the ranks, you’ll need to spend a lot of time figuring out what business you’d like. Yes, most of you may be sat there thinking I already know. But figuring out the logistics of it all, and whether it’ll be worthwhile is the tricky bit. Chances are, you’re not coming up with the most unique idea in the world. You’ll have 100’s, if not thousands of competitors in the world, especially if your business is web based. So what you need to do, is find a way to be better than everyone else. Do A LOT of market research. You need to have a solid understanding of what market you’re entering into, and whether you’ll make it. In the rush of the excitement of realizing you’re potentially going to be your own boss soon, people seem to forget the implications of a failing business. You won’t get back the money or time you invest. So invest time in seeing where your business will compare. You need to know the prices, marketing tactics, and quality of all of your closest competitors. You should check out articles such as this one, and take inspiration from some of the best. Everyone has been through what you’re going through, just make sure you do it right.

Office Vs Home

25 Business Ideas You Can Launch While Still Having a Full-Time Job

Once you’ve moved passed the initial jargon of actually getting the ball rolling, you need think about whether it’s going to be best for you to work at home or not. There are obvious positives and negatives to the both. The first being, if you work from home, you’re in a more relaxed and comfortable environment. There are no additional stresses of finding, and moving into an office. However, you will also have to deal with the distractions of home life. Whether that be a family, the dog, or just the lure of a comfy bed and TV upstairs. The space needed might not be big enough either, unless you have a decent enough study size, piles of paper, electronics, and even prototypes if you’re selling from a shop will clog up the room. With managed offices, you can have as much space as you need. It’s always best to go managed as well. With unmanaged, you’ll still have to do all the cleaning, and maintenance work of your own office. The obvious downside of offices being the cost involved.


A Bootstrapper’s Formula For Hiring Your First Employee

Hiring is a daunting task, especially since there are now so many ethical rules and procedures to follow. You also need to make sure you get the right employee for you. Some will be coming in purely for the money. The output you’ll get from them will be minimal, and you’ll likely see a large increase in sick days. If anything, they’ll drag your business down. So don’t settle for the first person you see, just because you’re desperate to hire. Look around and find the person who you can genuinely sense has a passion for what your company does. You’ll see your company rise, rather than drop with the right employee. Be sure to do a fair bit of research beforehand however. Laws are so strict now, you really do need to be careful that you’re not setting yourself up for a lawsuit. Be fair, never be sexist, and take everybody into account and give them a fair chance.


Managing Your Personal Finances as an Entrepreneur: 14 Tips From Leading Experts

When you’re first starting out, it’ll be relatively easy to manage your own finances. There won’t be that many incomings and outgoings that they’re hard to keep on top of. As you start to grow, it really is wise to outsource your finances to a reputable account manager. At the end of the day, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll have had big financial experience, other than for your personal account. You need someone who can accurately tell you how your profits are shaping up, and where your losses are coming from. That way you can adjust your business strategy accordingly. Be sure that in the beginning, you’re only investing what money you can manage. So many people out there plunge themselves into a large amount of debt. Then when the business takes off, they’re paying extensive amounts to clear that debt, don’t let that be you. Opening up a business bank account is the first step to becoming your own boss and keeping control of your finance. Search our other posts where we have created several guides to help you get started managing your finances.



Obviously, there are going to be issues along the way. But it’s the perseverance that makes people a successful entrepreneur. Whether it be money issues, production, staff, finance, you have to think of ways to pull through it in order to be up there with some of the best. Most people don’t realize, but the issues it can cause in your personal life are huge. If you have a partner, or even friends or family, it can create a lot of tension between you all. The stress and worries you’re having in your business life, often boil over into your personal one. It’s so important that you find a way to rely on the outside world to pick you up, rather than make it worse. Make sure you’re making quality time for them so that your business doesn’t take over your life for good. Whatever issues you face, they’ll be help at hand if you look for it. Never feel alone, whether it’s finances or staff, find someone who can pull you through, and make your business 10 times more successful.

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