Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

How to Start Something Big With Big Data Streaming

Your head is probably spinning if you make data-related decisions or develop IT platforms for an enterprise. Everybody is talking about Big Data. It seems obvious to most people why Big Data is important for major corporations. However, the surprising reality is that small businesses across the globe are doing more than their fair share of data collecting. Trying to catch up to what other enterprises are doing with data solutions can feel a bit overwhelming. The good news is that you can really put some smart resources to work for your enterprise if you do a bit of research into the platforms that are available out there today.

Why Enterprises of All Sizes Should Take Advantage of Big Data

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Data isn’t just information. Data is a gateway into valuable insights, indicators and measurements that can help your enterprise meet its goals and optimize its operations at every level. The great thing about data is that you can use it for any purpose you want. Good data that is captured and analyzed quickly and accurately can lead to better decisions, increased customer engagement and enhanced security. What do you wish data could tell you? You can actually make data speak the language of your enterprise by creating a customized streaming platform that puts the type of data you want in the places you need it. It is wasteful not to have some way to capture all of the data that your enterprise comes across because that data exists whether you tap into it or not. Leaving a valuable, unending resource like data untapped is a business sin in today’s high-speed economy.

How to Get Started With Big Data

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You know where the data is. You know what you want the data to do for you. How can you bring it all together to collect data and extract valuable insights from it? This is where choosing the right streaming platform comes into play. Of course, you can’t start looking for a platform until you’ve identified your needs and preferences. Follow these steps before you go any deeper into the process of embracing big data:

Taking the Next Step

10 Cloud Analytics & BI Platforms For Business

The next step after determining your needs is to connect with a company that can provide the resources necessary to integrate data streaming into your network and daily operations. The best way to do this is to start exploring demo versions of platforms. A company like DataTorrent allows you to experience a demo that showcases how a platform can ingest, manage, analyze and transform data using a method that’s customized for your enterprise’s needs. You’ll also be able to explore how a streaming system can interact with the popular social platforms, mainstream software programs and hardware brands you’re already using. Being able to utilize information collected from social media is especially useful because having a way to analyze engagement can help your enterprise use big concepts to improve its offerings in small ways.

How the Big Data Explosion Has Changed Decision Making

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