Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

The Art of Choosing the Perfect Business Name

Getting the name of your business right is one of the most important actions which you can take when you are first starting your company. After all, this is how you will be known and identified for the lifespan of your business – unless you go through the expense of going through a rebrand.

What’s in a (Business) Name?

The name of your business will immediately start to conjure up all sorts of images in the minds of your customers – and you want to make sure that they are the right ones. So, this is certainly something which you shouldn’t rush into. In this blog post, we will give you some advice when it comes to getting that name just perfect so that you can be proud of it for years to come.

A Name Which Appeals to You and Your Customers

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Not only does your business name need to appeal to you, it also need to speak to your customers as well. If you are running a luxury brand, it needs to be suitably grand. On the other hand, if it is a naturally youthful company, the name should appeal to a younger audience – perhaps with the use of slang and abbreviations. When you have come up with your business name, you should see how it plays out with your target market by presenting it to a group of them.

Work from a Big List

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In your initial brainstorming session, you should have plenty of words and concepts which you are working from. So, write down as many different words which you can associate with your company as possible. You should also think about the different connotations which each one of them has. Come up with a fictitious business name to see exactly how it sounds. Give yourself a number of different options so that you can see how they all sound up against one another. You never know when you may suddenly stumble across a word or combination of words which seems to be just right.

Get Creative

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Since so many words in the English language have already been trademarked to become company names, you are going to have to be especially creative when it comes to choosing a business name which is spot on. Puns and jokes are often popular, but you need to make sure that it is something which isn’t going to wear thin. And these are obviously inappropriate in certain situations if you are running a particularly professional firm.

Short and Snappy

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Business names should be easy to remember rather than long and confusing. While you may be trying to convey a number of different ideas all at once, this doesn’t mean that you should try to overcrowd the name. You may have to be ruthless in your choice. Or you may be able to abbreviate certain words to squeeze them into the name. Remember, many of the best businesses are only a single word, but people know them instantly.

Ask for Second Opinions

Tips For Choosing A Business Name

Choosing a business name all by yourself is an extremely difficult task, so you should make sure to ask other people’s opinions before you settle on anything. After all, once you have come up with a name, it is very difficult to go back on it. We already mentioned earlier on how useful it can be to get the opinions of your target audience, but you can also see what friends and family members have to say as well. Essentially, you want people who are going to offer you an honest opinion and tell you if they think that you are going down a path which is simply not the right one.

As we have tried to reinforce throughout this article, choosing a business name is an important decision when you are launching a company. You need to ensure that you get it right so that you can create a brand which people come to love and become loyal towards.

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