Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

5 Tips To Improve Your Company’s Website Design

There are many things you can most certainly do to improve your company, from going paperless to taking and applying feedback from employees to embracing transparency and to switching from manual accounting to AP automation software to name a few things.

But one more thing that you can do, and that you shouldn’t at all overlook, is improving the design of your company’s website.

Improving Your Company’s Website Design

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When anybody else wants to research your company, such as potential clients or customers for example, your website is often the very first place they will begin your research. Needless to say, a poorly designed website is going to look very bad on your part.

Now granted, your website may not be poorly designed, but it may still be in need of some improvements.
With that in mind, here are five tips you can use to improve your company’s website design:

Tip #1 – Site Speed Matters Most

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Yes, your site speed really does matter more than the look or navigational quality of it. That’s because people are very likely to quit trying to get onto a website if it takes more than five or so seconds to load.

Plus, even if they do stick around, if your website remains slow your visitors are not going to stick around for long. Furthermore,  having a slow website is also going to really hurt you when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO). If you live in Canada and feel like you need a professional to handle this task then you should check out website design toronto to get the speed you need.

Tip #2 – Remove Certain Elements

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There are most likely certain elements on your web site right now that are unnecessary and can therefore be removed its look and functionality.

For example, stock website images are a prime example of something you will want to remove. Yes, having images on your website is undoubtedly a great thing to have, but common stock images will only serve to make your website seem very amateurish.

Something else you will want to remove is any terminology or jargon that is ambiguous or highly technical, as that will only serve to confuse most people when they visit your site.

Tip #3 – Improve Navigation As Much As Possible

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Navigation is absolutely essential to any website, and is even more important than the look o ft he site.

A confusing interface is going to slow down traffic because people will turn away once they first visit it.

What you need to do is visit the site as if you were a new visitor and then ask yourself if anything and everything that you would like to find is indeed easy to look for.

A very common method used is to have a drop down menu that will allow the user to navigate to virtually any part of the website.

Tip #4 – White Space Is Okay

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White space is often thought of as being a bad thing because people think that it’s ‘wasted space.’

In reality, whitespace can be one of the very best things you do to improve the readability of your page by breaking up text.

White space is also often referred to as ‘negative space’ as you may have heard, but the use of the term ‘negative’ here doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. It just means that it’s space free of design elements and text.

While you don’t want too much white space, telling yourself that you can’t have any white space at all is going to be a poor design strategy.

Tip #5 – Optimize For Mobile

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Last but not least, around half of the traffic that your website is going to receive is not going to come from a laptop or desktop computer, but rather from a mobile device.

And with around four out of every five internet users owning a smartphone, optimizing for mobile simply makes sense. And if you think that users who visit on a mobile device will just try and check out your site on a laptop instead, you’re most certainly wrong.

In fact, mobile optimization should be one o the very first things you do to begin with when you first have your website created or redesign it. Today, mobile optimization is not really even an option, as it’s widely expected for a site to be optimized for mobile.

What People Don’t Like About Your Website

In essence, professional, user intuitive, and nice looking website will be a very positive reflection of your company. That’s why taking steps to improve your website’s design will be very important.

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