Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

Best Boss Ever: Taking Care of Your Team

As a leader, you’re in charge of making sure that your business is running as it should and that everything is delivered on time. Yet, you have even more responsibility than this – and the responsibility you have towards your employees is also a part of what can make your business excellent in quite a short time.

By showing them some extra love and making sure that the workplace is just the kind of place they’d like to be in the morning, you’re also giving your business a running chance in terms of keeping the brightest minds and even attracting a few more ones.

Being A Great Boss: How To Help Your Company Run Smoothly

It could mean the difference between a successful business or a failed one, in other words, and the better you treat them, the happier they will be to make your business the best it can possibly be. Here is a handful of ways to look after with a bit more love and care for the new year so that they can look after your business in return.

That way, you’ll all be able to build a great workplace together and enjoy the sight of a business in full bloom.

First: Building their sense of team feeling

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While your employees are individual people with their own wants and needs, they’re also a part of a team which can make your business so much better.

A team may struggle a bit, though, if the individuals sometimes have difficulties getting along or even working together as a team – and your job, as their leader, is to boost this team spirit and make sure that everyone is working together as they should.

This is definitely easier said than done but it’s not impossible. You need to give them an opportunity to build relationships with each other and an arena for being friendly; take them out on a team lunch once in a while or give them a team-building experience as a treat.

It won’t just make you look like the best boss ever but it will also ensure that they have the chance to chat amongst each other and actually get along. Those who spend time with each other outside of work will, as we know, get a bit better along when they’re actually at work – and they might even enjoy their workplace a whole lot more.

A lot of leaders seem to expect that the teams they have put together should function perfectly simply because everyone in it claims to be a great team member. While this may very well be the case, it’s not to say that every team works great together just because of this – and, unless the leaders step in and show them the ropes, the team may simply fall apart.

Try to enable friendships, first of all, to boost their sense of team feeling and give them a chance to get to know each other through outings as well. It just makes it a lot easier for them to communicate with each other and get to know each team member’s strengths and weaknesses.

Next: Give them rewards

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Reward are all leaders’ best friend when it comes to encouraging good behaviour and a speedy delivery of each project. This is also a great opportunity for building their commitment to the team, by the way, and a team that is rewarded together tends to stay together for a bit longer too.

You don’t have to save these rewards and benefits for something big, though, and even a small praise or something as simple as including their names in the newsletter may be enough to put a smile on their faces.

Everyone wants to be acknowledged for their hard work and they want to have something to work towards as well; by showing them that you appreciate their work, you’re also making it a bit more likely that they deliver the same kind of quality next time.

If you need a few ideas in terms of how you can give them a bit of a bigger reward when they really deserve it, you can just have a look at this article. A gift card will always come in handy and they can choose to buy whatever they want for themselves but don’t be afraid to get a bit creative as well.

Another point to this is that, before you even think about how you can reward their good work, you need to make sure that they have their other basic benefits. You can start by checking out telehealth, for example, and go through their site to see if you have covered all the basic necessities.

Give them the opportunity to learn

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When you think about your ideal workplace, what comes to mind? To most people, it will be the freedom to work at your own pace and the flexibility to learn at the job. While a lot of workplaces offer the former, it’s only the best kind of employees who try to enable the latter as well.

It’s a shame, really, as a team of employees that is constantly learning at the job will benefit their businesses tremendously – and it will make the employees a lot happier as well. Learning on the job doesn’t have to take their mind away from their actual work, though, and it could be something as simple as paying a bit attention to who knows more than others and who are looking to learn more.

Try to pair these employees on the same project so that they have the chance to learn from each other. Peer learning is one of the best ways for your employees to expand their knowledge and it certainly won’t hurt their sense of team feeling either.

Peer learning is not the only way to learn on the job, though, and you may have a couple of employees who would love to further their education a bit too. While some employers may be under the impression of this being a waste of time for their businesses, this is actually quite far from the truth.

Rather than seeing it as an investment you’ll have to make which they will only take with them when they quit and benefit a different company with, try to keep in mind that a workplace that enables an education on the side will attract the kind of employees who are eager to learn.

If one of your employees should quit, even after they’ve completed their education, you will still have a much better chance at getting ahold of another bright mind to replace them.

Your employees do talk amongst themselves, you know, and the word about your business will definitely spread if you do your very best to accommodate for their needs and make it even easier for them to fulfil their own wishes as well.

Give them flexible working hours

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Finally, you’re not going to create a better workplace unless you make sure that your employees can balance their personal lives next to work. Try to get to know them, first of all, and cultivate a friendship with your employees; while it definitely will help them to like you a bit more, it will also give you a great insight into who needs those flexible hours a bit more than others.

Those who would like to continue their education, for example, would certainly love this opportunity as well as those with small children. The more you get to know them, the easier it will be for you to help them out and make sure that they have everything they need.

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