Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

How To Create An Interesting Blog For Your Small Business

According to WordPress, over 409 million people view blog posts every month, so that means if your business doesn’t have a blog, you’re potentially missing out on reaching a rather significant audience. It all boils down to being able to write or know where to source writers from to ensure you are creating something that people want to read. And, optimizing your small business blog is a crucial part of making sure people understand what you write.

Have a look here at some of the reasons you be creating a blog and how you can create interesting, useful content to match your integrity and service.

Why Is It important?

How to Write the Best Blog Posts That Will Grow Your Influence in 15 Steps 76

You can write posts about your small business which allows you to establish yourself in the business world and you’re ready to answer customers questions or spark an interest in your products or service. The most common reason that a business would create a blog is to drive traffic to their website; it’s proven that companies with blogs generally receive more traffic than those without. This allows you to advertise your company’s products or services, attract new customers, and ultimately get more sales.

Having a blog for your business is also one f the best ways to improve your website’s ranking in search results. You want to be seen high in the rankings; this is where applying SEO to your content is essential. People don’t tend to search page after page when it comes to using search engines so ranking high is critical.


Now that you’ve decided to start a blog for your business, you are bound to be wondering how is best to tackle it. Check out these top tips for running a small business blog successfully:

Blog Frequently-

5 Simple Steps That’ll Help You Determine How Often You Need to Blog

You don’t have to necessarily stick to a time table when it comes to blogging, but you should at least be consistent. Don’t post blog articles every day one week and then one the next week and then nothing for a few weeks, it just won’t be appealing and will make your business look messy. You should think about creating content ready for release and then consider choosing one or two days to post them. You’re often able to time posts meaning it can be scheduled even months in advance. The more you get used to it, the easier it will get, and you will soon find yourself in a routine. If you’re not a good writer or don’t have time, you could always consider outsourcing and setting guidelines for the content you want.

Invite Guest Contributors –

How to Effectively Attract and Manage Guest Bloggers in WordPress

Your blog doesn’t just have to contain blog posts from you or your content writers you can invite people known as guest bloggers to contribute too. Of course, you still want to make sure this is relevant to your products and services, but it can not only have to relive some of the time spent on blogging it can also help to increase vlog views and website traffic by using their traffic too. Often if someone has written a guest piece, they will want to shout about it on their platforms, ultimately spending people to your site too. Having a fresh outlook on topics relating to your business can also be an exciting read for your customers, it can help to keep your content new and exciting.

Research Keywords And Phrases-

So, you already have an idea about what you are going to write about,  and it should always relate to your small business. But, you also need to consider targetting what customers are searching for too. There’s no point in putting all the efforts into your blog that no one reads. Keyword research is when you look up popular keywords that people are typing into search engines regularly and try to include these into your work. You should try to naturally incorporate keywords into your articles to see the best results; it’s not about conning people into reading your posts it’s about drawing in the people who will find it a genuine interest as these will be the people who will be interested in your business offerings. Keyword research is also a good starting point with finding inspiration on what to write about.

Include Pictures And Videos-

4 Ways to Keep Your Lifeless Blog from Boring Your Readers to Tears

There are not many people that are going to look at a blog page that is filled with words and sit there to read article after article. People want to see visually pleasing pieces of work, so you look at adding images (or even videos) to help with the engagement of your web pages. For many of us, our attention spans are short do having pictures to break up large chunks of text can help to keep us focused. You can add visuals such as an infographic or chart, to highlight key points from your articles. This can lead to the increased time spent on your blog page. It can often mean that it’s easier for people to remember content too, comes in handy if they want to revisit it or share with other people.

Think About The Length Of Your Blog Posts

-You ideally want a blog post to be long enough to cover the information and topic you’re discussing with having to cut back on necessary details, but you also don’t want it to be crammed for of useless facts and figures to try and bulk it out. Remember that you also need to be able to get in the keywords we’ve spoken about above without it sounding like it’s full of them, it can be off-putting for a reader if they don’t get anything from what they’re reading. Consider if the post is something that you would understand, and maybe get other people to proofread it and feedback what they felt it conveyed before posting it online. This is something also to consider if you do decide to outsource work too, you should make sure you speak with the people writing for you to make sure they have a clear understanding of your wants and needs as a business. Always remember quality over quality, and it should be plain sailing.

These tips should help you to get started with creating an exciting blog for your small business; however, there are always different methods that can be used. Do you have any others that have worked that you could share in the comments section below?

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