Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

How to Evaluate a Social Media Service for Your Business

Are you on the hunt for a social media service to drive traffic on your company’s social media platforms and fuel business growth? Unsure what metrics you should use to evaluate a social media service by? Here are the essential questions you should ask yourself before selecting a social media service for your business.

Do They Understand Your Target Goals?

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The first way to identify if a social media service will dedicate themselves to helping your business succeed is if they take the time to understand your target goals. Plenty of agencies focus on naming a laundry list of their services rather than actually understanding your goals and honing a strategy that fits your needs.

If a service signs you up without first learning about your company, this is a sign to run far and fast. A quality social media service will learn about your business through mediums like surveys, business assessments, and questionnaires, then curate a strategy specific to your company.

Do They Specialize in One or Multiple Platforms?

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Another critical factor to consider is whether the service specializes in one or multiple platforms. Since you will likely be using multiple channels to market your business, it is best to choose a service with experience leveraging a range of platforms.

Social media services like Hello Social offer comprehensive marketing strategies through a variety of channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus and LinkedIn. Tailored strategy development is important and consultations from a social media expert have the potential to uncover new ideas and bring your brand to the next level.

Do They Offer Concept Proof and/or Case Studies?

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You never want to choose a social media service that doesn’t offer concept proof or case studies for past clients. When reviewing a potential service, ask for links to campaigns they are currently working on. Verify that the social media service is working on campaigns aligning with your own brand agenda to reap the results you desire for your own business.

What Measurement Metrics Do They Use?

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Find out what measurement metrics the social media service intends to use for your marketing campaign. Every month, you should have the ability to track their outreach through different metric mediums.

Factors like social media growth (new followers), social media reach (campaign audience), website traffic (increases due to social media), social media engagement (comments, likes), and lead generation (new leads from social media), are all common metric examples. Before you work with a social media service, decide which metrics you want to use the most and ensure their outreach plan includes them.

Do They Have Industry Experience?

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It may seem like an obvious point, but you should always pick a social media service that has relevant experience in your industry. If you are evaluating a social media service that doesn’t have specific industry experience, inquire whether they’ve served a type of business close to yours.

Do They Offer Offer Consulting and Tailored Stratagem?

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Find out whether the social media service offers consulting and tailored stratagem. They should consult with you to create a unique strategy to fit your business needs, carry it out, and adjust the strategy if needed until it brings the results you require. Work with an agency that will pinpoint a strategy that isn’t working and will reformat it to reach the desired results.

Parting Thoughts

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Selecting a social media service for your business doesn’t have to be stressful. Choose an agency that takes the time to understand your target goals and specializes in the platforms you need to build your brand.

Select a service that provides concept proof, discernable measurement metrics, and has relevant industry experience. Finally, choose a social media service that partners with your brand, offering curated consulting and maintaining frequent communication to drive traffic, boost engagement, and generate concrete leads.

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