Business, Entrepreneur, Startup

Surviving the Pandemic: What Your Business Needs to Survive

The current Coronavirus pandemic has raised a lot of alarm, and not just for the tragic health consequences felt by many. There are also many small (and large) business owners


Business, Entrepreneur, Startup

Understanding LLCs: Advantages, Disadvantages, and More [INFOGRAPHIC]

You probably know that “LLC” is an acronym for Limited Liability Company. But do you know what makes LLCs different from Corporations or Sole Proprietorships? Do you need to know how


Business, Startup, Tech

5 Valuable Internet Security Tips You Should Follow

The Internet provides you with information at your fingertips. If you need to know about relatively any topic that comes to mind, a quick online search should give you the


Art, Design, Photoshop

4 Items Every Web Designer Should Invest In

Web designing is anything but easy. Those that persevere in an industry that is constantly evolving are a special breed indeed – half artist, half technologist. So what does it


Apps, Development, Programming

How To Begin Developing Custom Software Programs

There are several crucial steps to begin developing custom software programs from scratch. The process for custom software development can be incredibly challenging and complex. Fortunately, there are several measures


Business, Tech

The Risks of Poor Database Security

A recent study found billions of records exposed in unsecured Elasticsearch and MongoDB libraries. These 10.5 billion pieces of consumer data reportedly included passwords, phone numbers, and email addresses. Three


architecture, Interior Design, Lifehacks

Why Your Basement Deserves As Much Attention As Your Home?

Having a basement is somewhat of a luxury that many people often like to have when buying or building their dream house. It increases the total space of their homes


Apps, Entrepreneur, Mobile

How to make a Mobile App from Scratch

We all have that million-pound idea that we keep returning to. But while we may have inspiration, having the time or expertise to realise your idea is a different matter!