Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

Protecting Your Privacy on the Internet

These days, privacy is more important than ever. Losing personal information is a frightening product. However, how do you protect your personal data when you place online orders? Is your credit card info safe? Does someone have access to your email address or user account?

And what about deliveries? How do you get discrete customer service while still receiving the best user experience? Luckily, there are ways to amp up your online privacy without too much of a hassle.

Use smarter shipping services

International Deliveries: How they Work

Lately, businesses are noticing how important customer satisfaction is. That’s why many companies are looking to deliver the best experience possible. They’re increasing transparency on websites and offering discretion during the shipping process. How many sites have you been on lately where a pop-up notifies you of the company privacy policy as well as their use of cookie information? Chances are the number is fairly high. This is because more sites are aware of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which works to protect personal data.


If you handle a fair number of online orders, it’s always a good idea to choose services like shipanon.com. Ship Anon provides its world-class privacy policy and the utmost level of discretion during the online buying and shipping process. They offer the complete protection of address information of users and work to secure additional personal data as well, such as credit card information. Ship Anon works to ensure each use of the website is as secure as the last and that they don’t leave your data subject to hacking attempts.

Shop more cautiously

Here’s How You Can Keep Your eCommerce Website Safe and Secure

If you have a habit of buying from any old website, you may be in trouble. Chances are, some of those sites don’t have updated security information and licenses. Take the CBD industry, for example. CBD is experiencing a major moment right now. If you browse the news, you’re likely to come across articles talking about the health benefits of CBD for the human body and how even small doses can make a big difference. Since the CBD industry is in the spotlight, more and more companies want to be a business partner to a CBD brand.

With so many new CBD websites cropping up, it’s becoming more difficult to spot which ones are trustworthy or not. If you purchase products like a CBD tincture, CBD oil, or other hemp plant product, you need to do it from a trusted hemp or cannabis plant brand. Of course, if you use prescription medications, you also need to take CBD oil or tincture only under a doctor’s advice, but that’s an entirely different story.


Look for a CBD tincture or CBD oil manufacturer that has strong reviews, quality guarantees, and added privacy assurances. It’s always a good idea to read the site’s privacy policy as well. Unlike brands that sell THC extracted from the cannabis plant, CBD isn’t as closely regulated by the Food and Drug Administration so sites aren’t as well-reviewed either.

Of course, this is simply an example of one industry. The same rules apply whether you’re setting up a user account on an online marketplace or simply want to protect your personal data when shopping on a retail site. It also helps to look up a company’s business partners and see how they’re perceived online as well. If you spot any red flags, it’s probably in your best interest to avoid giving out personal information.

Take notice of your digital footprint, and make changes

How to Spring Clean Your Digital Clutter to Protect Yourself

If you Google yourself, you’ll be shocked at just how many images, posts and information come up about you. If you have a social media account or have information about yourself online from work, you’ll have what is called a digital footprint. Every move you make online creates an image of you that someone who doesn’t know you personally can judge. 

In order to best protect your privacy online, it is important to take notice of what your digital footprint looks like, and make changes. This means going back to your social media accounts and deleting posts and images that you think might harm job prospects or show too much to strangers. You can even access services to remove personal information from the internet, which take care of the job for you!

Trust your instincts

VPN Can Change Your Perspective of Browsing

These tips are helpful but, at the end of the day, sometimes you simply need to rely on your gut instincts. If something about a website or seller seems fishy, it quite possibly is. If you’re having prolonged difficulties with a company, they might not be digitally secure. If you’re hesitating to enter your credit card info or personal data, you probably shouldn’t. Make smart choices, think critically, and do your part to keep your personal data secure.

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