Hump day! Its Wednesday already! Where did the week go? Its been a busy week for me, but today I have a HUGE DAILY LINKS for you! So I hope you enjoy it and spread the word! Thanks everyone for all the love and support, I appreciate you all! Now Get your Daily Nerdy Web Development/Design Links!!
Web Development/Designer Resources, Inspirations and Entertainment!!
Photoshop tutorials for 3D effects, Very nice!
Ads on twitter eh?
Great read for fixing the 0 subscriber bug in Feedburner
LOL this is great. Twitter humor cartoon
Good open source Photo Gallery
Great read for using Twitter to send alerts when site goes down
people sure do love that new fangled iPhone dealieo
Great read – logo, branding, advertising, marketing, and promotions. All different. All matter.
HUGE NORMOUS list of Illustrator tips and tutorials – great read
Awesome design makeovers
Great speak from Guy Kawasaki on Startup advice
very inspirational websites!!
Great examples of Paper Website Design!
Great Advanced PHP Tips revisited
Great info from someone who follows 80+ people – How to keep track
Design and be seen!
Great read about Web design and Copyright Laws
More awesome Apple Wallpapers!
GREAT Photoshop Text Tutorials
Twitter advice for n00bs! part 2
Twitter advice for n00bs! part 1
Improvements to google results page – interesting
Great read if you constantly send out accidental emails
Good discussion on the niceness of the blogging world
Awesome jQuery Virtual Keypad Plugin!!
Quick and easy php Pagination script
LOL nice
great look at Directory trees with PHP and jQuery, very useful
a New Framework worth a look
Awesome google maps textures!
Awesome inspiration links – Designs/Reference
Are you forgetting about these tips?
Hell no, it won't go!
A Great Freelancer is going back to work – makes for a very interesting read from Jonathan Snook
Great way to find companies and brands on the ole twitter
Freaking amazing Cinema 4D Tutorials – NICE
Very interesting read about Googles Lead Designers last day on the job!
Good read about Short URLS
Awesome search engines to help the environment
Good use of Highrise Dates
Awesome desktop app for tracking your social sites!
Awesome evolution of the batman logo!!
Awesome! @chadengle featured on his local news for DCTH!! Nice! What a great story! he's a good guy and deserves it!
LOL this is awesome
Quick tips for being a better designer
LOL this is funny 🙂
Great RSS Stuff for wordpress!
GREAT read for working with a developer
Awesome Red Webdesign Inspiration!
Great tutorial on installing FF2 and FF3 side by side
The women of Web Design!
Awesome Graphic Design books to check out
make FF add ons compatible with all versions – good tips
Great ways to Max out your WordPress speeds!
Hugest twitter resource i've ever seen, its freaking huge.
Great read about crazy unknown HTML Tags
Great info to know about CSS Frameworks
Another great tutorial for creating exploded Isometrics!! Vector – Illustrator
Awesome comics for Web Designers and Nerds like you and me 😉
Awesome film quotes in 2 minutes!