HOORAY Its the weekend! Most of us in the U.S. are getting an extra day off! Enjoy it! Here are some great links to look into this weekend, Hope you enjoy it and pass it to a friend! Thanks everyone for all the love and support, I appreciate you all! Now Get your Daily Nerdy Web Development/Design Links!!
Web Development/Designer Resources, Inspirations and Entertainment!!
Great hacks for your mac!
Tools for more efficient web design!
Very nice! Business cards!
Tons of great patterns!!
Excellent poster Tutorial!
Great iphone Apps for Designers and Devs!
Awesome twitter vector
This is CLASSIC – must see – geek humor
LOL this stuff is great
Great typography post
STUNNING toy designs!!
Great interview with a great guy! Lee Munroe!
excellent and in depth read on wireframes
Great read! Manage small web projects!
Make your emails count!
Share video on twitter!
Cool flash tutorials!
Be polite on Social Networks 🙂
Good tips for screencasting!
Awesome textures and patterns!!
Methinks no. Good read!
Awesome dog pics!
Great groups on Flickr for Inspiration!
More buzz on youtube porn
Awesome tips for your blog titles
AWESOME collection of viral video ads
This is awesome. predict the trends with top designers!
Awesome Mac OS X Hidden Features
Interesting! Gmail as twitter client?
Awesome Data Visualization!!!
Awesome Table Designs!!
Some nice b&w photography!
Awesome logos!!
Awesome abstract effects in Photoshop – Tutorials
Great read for beginners in CSS
Freaking sweet grunge fonts
Wow. these are cool.
Cool CSS Zen master dvd
Youtube still battling porn lol
More buzz about jetpack FF Add on
Cool collection of some top dev and programmer feeds
Great tips for making your website design pop
Nice list of jquery tutorials available
Now that is some cool packaging
Excellent Hand Written Fonts!!
Space invaders poster tutorial!
Cool light trail effect!
Excellent Photo Editing Websites for fun!
Excellent tutorial on creating a screencast
Trends on Twitter. WHy? LoL
Creepy machines!
Excellent Lighting Effects in Web Design!
Awesome Web Writing Tips!