Nerdy Daily Web Development and Design Links :: Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 10/02/2008 Nerdy Daily Links

Thanks for tuning in for another episode of ‘Nerdy Daily Links’ Hopefully you will find inspiration, some interesting facts, and maybe even a laugh in todays bundle, Let me know if there is a way I can improve this section to make it easier for you guys to get the goods.

Thanks for visiting!

Now read on!

Start it off with the Web from a Designers Perspective

Creatively Constipated? Take some Fiber for Designers

Apple stands up to the Man

  • The National Music Publishers’ Association wants to see an increase in the royalty rates paid to its members for songs purchased through online music stores (the association wants the rates raised from 9 cents to 15 cents a track). Apple doesn’t like the sound of this and is willing to shut down iTunes rather than raise the 99 cents a song price or absorb the higher royalty costs. Is this all just hot air, or could Apple really shut down iTunes?

Web Developer/Designer Inspirations and Tutorials

Mail Marketing Service

Laugh of the Day

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