TGIF! Its FRIDAY!! I know we are all excited about that! Enjoy the day! Now Get your Daily Nerdy Web Development/Design Links!!
Web Development/Designer Resources, Inspirations and Entertainment!!
Awesome Navigation Techniques!!
TONS of Icons!!!
AWESOME Developer Friendly Web Templates!
Good CSS Tip – Resetting Styles
Interesting Read – Marketing Tips from Hitler, good style of post!
Designer Interview!
Twitter Influence Tracker!
Cool look into how the browser interprets CSS!
How do you describe what you do?
Awesome Image Galleries, Slideshows and Light Box Solutions!! Nice Collection
Need Motivation? This will help, Great Speech.
Smallest Links Ever Generated?
AWESOME CSS Tool! Creates scalable grids, calculates type settings, generates CSS & XHTML templates.
AWESOME Laptop Skins!!
AWESOME and easy tutorial for displaying your feed subscribers count in text! be creative!
Another great video from Gary Vee
Awesome Interview with Web Developer Cameron Moll!!
GREAT Ideas for using Twitter for Business! – Chris Brogans!
AWESOME FREE FONTS!! Great collection, useful for everyone.
Digg Layoffs!
Find People Relevant to you!
An Article Every Tweeter should read.
List of the Best Facebook Apps for Business
Find Nearby Tweeters!!
Interesting Read! Best Twitter Brands!
Twitter Related T-Shirts!
Apparently you can have a twitter pet?
Get Started with HTML 5!!
SMOOTH Animated Navigation Menu with jQuery, Very nice!
AMAZING Flexible grid achieved with jQuery. NICE
Fake Hand Drawn Technique in Photoshop!
Basic Typography terms for the New guys!
AWESOME!! Testing method to increase Usability. You get 5 seconds and you have to list things you remember. Community effort!
Is twitter hitting mainstream?
Get organized, the messy way!
Awesome Illustrator Resources from BittBox!
A New Twitter Tool to help you gain control! 🙂
Great list of Web Sites that will matter in 09!!
Using Opacity with CSS3!
Great Info to track clicks and conversions from twitter!
Designer Interview with David Leggett!
Great list of Free Fonts!!
Great Techniques to get people to click your Call to Action!
Awesome Wooden Websites!! Inspirational!!
Feedburner is STILL Failing, although my feed count seems normal now
Quick look into clearing floats without extra markup!
AWESOME Photoshop Tutorials of 2008! Most popular!!
MORE 2009 Web Design Trends!
Awesome people to follow on Twitter in the Design Community! I am honored to be listed!!
awesome Icon Metaphors!!
AWESOME Mac Evolution throughout the years! Love these types of posts
NICE Space Brushes!!