Blogging, Design, Freelance, Illustration, Photography, Photoshop, Print, Productivity, Tips, Web

Using Stock Photos? Know the Laws

If you think that you can use whatever photo or image you want from the Web, you’re wrong. The The Berne Convention declares new and original work created after April


Blogging, Branding, Design, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Marketing, Tech, Tips

Content Marketing For Designers

You’re a designer and not a writer. But you still need to market content in order to position yourself as an expert in your field. Rather than overload you with


Blogging, Design, Photography, Tips, Web, Wordpress

5 WordPress Photo Gallery Plugins

That old saying about a picture being worth 1000 words is true, especially when it comes to a WordPress blog. Before panicking about your lack of skill in terms of


Blogging, Branding, Business, Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Inspiration, Marketing, Tips, Web

How To Get Subscribers From Your 404 Page

The 28 Best Error Pages On The Internet - Error 404: Post description not found.

We’ve all heard that trope about making lemonade when life gives you lemons. Well, if anything can be called a “lemon” in the world of web-surfing, it’s the irritating 404


Blogging, Branding, Business, Marketing, , Tips, Web

The Effect of Social Network Marketing on Modern Businesses

By now nearly all business owners know that including social networking in online marketing plans is a necessary part of a healthy advertising campaign. Every online marketing campaign must be


Blogging, Tech, Tips, Web, Wordpress

WordPress Security Plugins To Lock Down Your Site

Website security is one of those topics that is always relevant. Just when a solution or fix is created for some virus or other hacker threat, a new one comes


Blogging, Development, Inspiration, Tech, Tips, Web, Wordpress

3 Cloud Backup Solutions For WordPress Blogs

It takes time, money, effort and a lot of dedication to earn respect in the blogging industry. You realize this after you first look into how to start a blog.


Blogging, Business, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Geek, Productivity, Tech, Tips, Web

How To Create A Hacker-Proof Password

In this day and age, our entire lives are controlled by technology. When you go on the Internet, you can sign in to your Facebook profile, your email, pay your