Business, Entrepreneur, Marketing

Maintaining Communication with Your Customers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This year communication has become more important than ever. At points, most of the population has been living in some level of lockdown, unable to visit friends and family, and


Entrepreneur, Lifehacks, Tech

Working From Home Your New Normal? Here’s What To Think About [INFOGRAPHIC]

When it comes to working from home, many of us face this new normal on how our jobs look. Some may have become more accustomed to it, whereas others might


Business, Entrepreneur, Startup

A Guide to Shipping Temperature Sensitive Products

Shipping temperature sensitive products like food and medicine can be complex. When these products are not shipped properly, and experience deviations from the acceptable temperatures (known as temperature excursions) and


Branding, Business, Entrepreneur

Brand Design Importance in E-commerce

Do you know one of Ed Hardy’s designs when you see it? Have you ever heard of Lauren Conrad, even though you are not a fashionista? If you do know


Business, Entrepreneur, Marketing

What Enterprise Businesses Need to Know About Instagram DM Automation

If you run an enterprise business, you might provide your clients with many different services, depending on your business model. For example, maybe you help them out with their social


Business, Career, Entrepreneur

Smart Hiring Practices for Healthcare Facilities

It should come as no surprise that businesses that fail to properly screen employees often wind up with unproductive, unqualified and outright dishonest hires. While unwise hiring practices can prove


Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

How Can Voice Analytics Benefit Businesses During the Pandemic?

COVID-19 has placed a strain on every business around the world, whether this is a loss of revenue from having to close doors, adapting procedures to allow social distancing and


Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

How Upgrading Cloud Technology In Your Company Can Increase ROI

These days, much of the viability of a company is determined by its enterprise infrastructure. For the most part, it’s all about improving the customer experience and helping business operations