Business, Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Giveaway, Marketing, Tech, Web

Kwikode – A New Marketplace Where Quality Freelancers Go. Check Out Our Android Tablet Giveaway!

Want to join a community that is dedicated to bringing back quality and value to freelancing? Well Kwikode might be the marketplace for you. Currently in pre-launch, Kwikode is a


Business, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Inspiration, Marketing, Startup, Tips, Web

What To Consider Before Your Business Steps Online

The Internet is still a land of many mysteries to some business owners who know that they should move their traditional businesses online. Hosting, domain name, and templates are the


Blogging, Branding, Design, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Marketing, Tech, Tips

Content Marketing For Designers

You’re a designer and not a writer. But you still need to market content in order to position yourself as an expert in your field. Rather than overload you with


Branding, Business, Design, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Inspiration, Marketing, Print

35 Ultimate Examples of Identity Design

Building a brand identity for a corporate house is extremely important as it helps to spread positive vibes about the company before the masses. Brand identity is always created in


Branding, Business, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Inspiration, Marketing, , Tech, Tips, Web

4 Brands That Have Benefited Magnificently from Social Media Marketing

Time and again, management gurus talk about the importance of using social networking to get more business. In order to grow your business, it is imperative to pay attention to


Blogging, Branding, Business, Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Inspiration, Marketing, Tips, Web

How To Get Subscribers From Your 404 Page

The 28 Best Error Pages On The Internet - Error 404: Post description not found.

We’ve all heard that trope about making lemonade when life gives you lemons. Well, if anything can be called a “lemon” in the world of web-surfing, it’s the irritating 404


Advertising, Branding, Business, Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Marketing, Startup, Tech, Web

Make More Money By Solving Problems Instead of Selling Your Service

Designers don’t sell cleverly crafted logos, eye-catching advertisements, or adorable animated characters. No one places an order for a professional book cover design on a whim. And, even the cleverest


Branding, Business, Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Marketing, Tips, Web

5 Web Design Tips to Have Viewers Stick to Your Website Like Bees to Honey

Liven up your website with a design overhaul that not only drives in viewers, but also has them hang around and explore your website. You do not need a mystique