Art, Design, Illustration, Inspiration, Print

150+ Epic Examples Of Editorial Design

A lot of people read magazines for the information, the stories, and the pictures – there is no doubt about that! However, another reason we love magazines (especially today) is


Art, Branding, Business, Design, Freebies, Freelance, Illustration, Inspiration, Marketing, Print

50+ Epic PSD Business Card Template Files

Well Everyone, 2013 is here, its been here for a while now (some of us are still trying to get used to it though haha). I am sure many of


Art, Design, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration, Movies, Nerd Fun, Print

50+ Epic Star Wars Art Posters

Star Wars, the motherland of geeks. Generations now have grown up with Star Wars Everything! We have all seen the movies growing up, we played with the toys, and now


Art, Design, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Photography, Print

60+ Epic Science Art

I freaking love Science. There is no secret there. I have always “liked” Science my entire life ever since I was in 3rd grade learning about the few planets we


Art, Design, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration, Tech

30+ Epic Engine Design

Engine Design, we all rely on it, but we don’t always realize it, or see it! Hidden beneath the hood of your car (and many other things like boats, planes,


Art, Business, Design, Development, Freelance, Funny, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Web

A Tribute To Clients From Hell

I have worked with clients as a freelancer for years now, and like most of you, I have met many a client from hell. We have all had bad clients.


Apps, Art, Design, Illustration, Inspiration, Logo Design, Mobile, Photoshop

A Collection Of Creative App Icon Images

People that use Apple devices have, for some time now, become accustomed to beautifully designed software. Apple is famously obsessive over the look and feel of their products and the


Art, Branding, Design, Funny, Geek, Gifts, Illustration, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Print

140+ Best Funny Shirt Ideas of 2012

So here we are again, since you guys loved the last few collections of creative and funny shirts we had found, then you will love these even harder (or just