Apps, Blogging, Business, Entrepreneur, Geek, Inspiration, Productivity, , Startup, Tech, Web

Medium – A New Blogging Tool From Twitter

If you’re a blogger, there’s some great news for you. From the people who gave us Blogger and Twitter, comes Medium, a brand new blog platform. Evan Williams and Biz


Apps, Business, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Productivity, Startup, Tech, Tips, Web

Be Prepared For Tax Season With eCommerce Software and Plugins

Compliance and taxes are a priority in any business. Without automation tools, taxes can be a tedious and time-consuming process. Plugins and eCommerce software are available to help automate this


Apps, Freebies, Geek, Mobile, Movies, Nerd Fun, Tips, Video, Web

Can’t Make It To The London Olympics? Watch Team USA Go For Gold With These Apps

Few sporting events generate a degree of excitement equal to the Summer Olympics. Thousands of athletes from around the world going for gold medals in dozens of sports creates riveting


Apps, Code, Design, Development, Freelance, HTML5, Inspiration, Mobile, Programming, Tech, Web

Content over Chrome: Metro Design

Metro Designs – Style Development The word Metro is getting tossed around a lot in the web design and development community. This can obviously be attributed to Microsoft’s talk about


Apps, Branding, Business, Design, Freelance, Inspiration, Marketing, Startup, Tech

Startups, Focus on Quality First: The Instagram Model

In today’s fast-paced world of internet business, it seems like every Internet entrepreneur is making a profit from web-based products or services. But amongst the vast number of start-up companies,


Apps, Design, Development, Freelance, Geek, Inspiration, Productivity, Tech, Web

18 Must-Have Apps for Web Designers and Developers

Every web designer must have powerful tools (i.e. applications) in their arsenal. These tools are designed to make the developers’ and designers’ jobs easier and less-time consuming. The most preferred


Apps, Business, Freelance, Geek, Inspiration, Mobile, Productivity, Tech, Web

Best New Apps That Make Your Life Easier

Apps List That Could Make Your Life Easier New Apps seem to be born every day, some good, some not (and some awesome). My job is to bring them to


Apps, Blogging, Business, Design, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Inspiration, Productivity, Tech, Web

30 Great Web Apps for Freelancer Productivity

Best Apps List for Productivity There are many apps available that can help you increase your productivity. Some of these apps are designed to help you stay organized, while others