Apps, Business, Code, Design, Development, Freelance, Inspiration, Mobile, Startup, Tech, Web

25+ Epic Web Design In Cloud Based Software Apps

Just think, hardly much more than a decade ago our offices and workplaces were filled with all sorts of analog tools to get our work done… offline… in real life


Art, Branding, Business, Code, CSS3, Design, Development, Geek, HTML5, Illustration, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Web

30 Fresh Websites with Unique Non-Standard Design

Sometimes the web can get boring when you see the same design schemes over and over again, but today we are going to spice things up! In this showcase we’ll


Apps, Code, CSS3, Development, Geek, HTML5, Javascript, jQuery, Productivity, Programming, Tech, Tips, Web

Useful Code Editors For Web Designers And Developers

The web has changed the lives of many over the years – none have benefited more from this change than designers and developers! Many tools that programmers, designers, and developers


Code, Computer Science, Development, Geek, Programming, Tech, Web

PHP is better Than You Thought It Would Be

PHP is one of the most used programming languages of the world. It comes in different frameworks which take care of all the web development needs. However with popularity it


Blogging, Business, Code, Entrepreneur, Tips, Web

Must-Know Google Blogger Tips & Tricks

Google Blogger is one of the simplest blogging platforms that the virtual world has ever seen. There are several platforms on which you can host your blog, but if you


Apps, Code, Design, Development, Tips, Web

HTML Validation Resources For Web Developers

What Exactly Is HTML Validation? HTML validation is the process of verifying the syntax of your HTML code to ensure that your HTML code complies with the standards defined by


Code, Computer Science, Development, Geek, Mobile, Nerd Fun, Programming, Tech, Tips, Tutorials

Android Tips & Hacks To Maximize Your Phone’s Capabilities

Going under-the-hood to maximize your Phone’s Capabilities If you’re a free soul and don’t want to be chained down by pointless limitations, chances are you’d prefer an Android-based phone over


Advertising, Apps, Branding, Code, Geek, Marketing, Mobile, Productivity, Tech, Web

Best QR Code Reader Apps

The mobile phone industry has advanced in technology and its features throughout the years. You can now buy any kind of smartphone and you will be able to utilize them