AndySowards.com has had a great week! I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving Today!! Remember to be thankful for everything that you have, Especially Daily Nerdy Resources! Enjoy this list of web developer/designer resources!! Bless you all!
Web Developer/Designer Inspiration and Resources
T-Shirt Giveaway! Enter Now!
Complete Server Solution Tutorial, Very Handy!
Some Nice, Bold Fonts!
Most Addictive and FREE iPhone Games. Awesome!
Photoshop Droplets and ImageMagick Are GREAT Resources to get familiar with.
Spammer Owned by Facebook.
Best deals for black friday! Woo!
Guy Kawasaki is Amazing, You can learn a lot from him.
We are all thankful for something, Here is another list of Web Designers Thankful List
Funny Truths about Freelancing.
Good look into other Designers/Developers and the Resources they use a Ton!
Are you clueless after a Fresh Install of WordPress? You need this then.
Huge post with Tons of Facebook Tools! Get at them!
True cost of Freelancing. Great Article!
Get your Design Work Featured and Critiqued by some of the Best and Most Respected Designers Around!
Awesome Gifts to get your favorite Blogger or Media Mogul!
Some good Tips for Big Companies in 2009!
These photo Manipulations are INCREDIBLE!
Excellent collection of FREE Textures!
I totally agree with this. Voice Prompt Telephone Menu's are FAIL
Be a TrendSetter!
Nice Vector PSD iPhone!
Web Development/Design Nerdy Daily Links For 11/26/2008 – be thankful for everything that you have, Especially Daily Nerdy Resources! Enjoy this list of web developer/designer resources, and remember, Thanksgiving is TOMORROW!! Bless you all.
Funny tales of olden days when Mac was green screened.
huh, quite useful news list, thanks