Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Geek, Inspiration, Marketing, Tech, Tips, Web

Why 75% of Web Designers Fail Miserably And What To Do About It

You announce your plans to become a web designer, expecting a barrage of congratulatory back patting, bear hugging, and reassurances that you are going to be the best in the

Apps, Design, Development, Inspiration, Mobile, Tech, Tips, Web

Web Design for the Smart TV Experience

Smart TVs are faster, more connected and more versatile than ever before, and consumers are clearly interested in making them a bigger part of their connected experience. Yet, despite the

Design, Development, Freelance, Tips, Web

The Changing Trends in Modern Web Design

Remaining on top of the newest changes in today’s web design trends ensures website owners can offer visitors the best surfing experience possible, and also ensures that the design satisfies

Design, Development, Freelance, Inspiration, Mobile, Tips, Web

Evolution of Web Design and Usability over the Coming Years

With HTML5 and CSS3, along with other advancements, the internet is changing, and is doing so quite rapidly. Since things change so quickly they also fade away, based on what

Design, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Photography, Productivity, Tips, Web

Sources of Inspiration for a Web Designer. How to Cope with a Routine Part of Work?

Most jobs get monotonous at a certain point, and web design isn’t any exception. Is there a way to avoid the boredom? How do you get inspired and where do

Design, Development, Mobile, Web

The Importance of Responsive Web Design

In the times where people are rapidly adopting and switching to smartphones and tablets, the need and importance of websites that are mobile-friendly increases. Having a website that is easily

Design, Development, Tips, Web

The Web Designer’s Role is Shifting – Here’s How to Stay on Top

The rapidly evolving technology landscape demands that Web designers adapt quickly, continually, and at an expert level to stay on top of their game. According to the global research and