Design, Games, Geek, Gifts, Inspiration, Movies, Music, Nerd Fun, Photography, Tech, Tips, Web

60+ Best Geek Gift Ideas & Gadgets For Christmas

Now that the insanity of Black Friday is behind us… (Man, Where did 2012 go?!) a lot of you still have actual christmas shopping to do with actual people in


Art, Branding, Design, Funny, Geek, Gifts, Illustration, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Print

140+ Best Funny Shirt Ideas of 2012

So here we are again, since you guys loved the last few collections of creative and funny shirts we had found, then you will love these even harder (or just


Blogging, Branding, Business, Inspiration, Marketing, SEO, Tech, Tips, Web

Steps for SEO with Twitter

SEO with Twitter is not just for businesses, but a business knows that Twitter is one of the most efficient marketing tool they have ever used. However, this does involve


Art, Design, Geek, Nerd Fun, Tech

HP Unveils Lineup of Windows 8 Products

This Christmas is going to rain with computers, laptops, smart phones, tablets, Apple products and the much awaited Windows 8. Once Microsoft announced its impending Operating System, it immediately piqued


Art, Code, Design, Development, Freelance, Games, Geek, HTML5, Inspiration, Javascript, Productivity, Programming, Tech, Tips, Video, Web

25+ Best Design & Development Keynote Presentation Talks

I believe one of the most important ways to share information, inspiration, and ideas today are through keynotes, talks, & speeches. Some of the most eye opening realizations and life


Art, Design, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration, Movies, Nerd Fun

Awesome Movie Monster Tribute

Halloween is just a few weeks away. It is around this time ever year that many TV stations begin airing Halloween themed programming all the way until the end of


architecture, Branding, Business, Design, Geek, Inspiration, Tech

Top 5 Sustainable Commercial Designs of 2012

Sustainable commercial designs incorporate eco-friendly technologies into all aspects of the company. A sustainable company not only cares just about the appearance of looking eco-friendly, but also the real impact