Business, Marketing

Click2Sell Review – Self-Service Banner Ad Campaigns Creation

I ran into Click2Sell by accident as I was scrolling through the internet looking for freelance assignments in content marketing. At first, I thought it was just another common advertising platform


Advertising, Business

Overwhelming People with Ads can be Counterproductive

Advertisements are essential for attracting people to buy what you have to offer. Businesses have always used ads. There are different ways in which these ads are used and they


Advertising, Business

3 Online Ad Mistakes All New Business Owners Make

Online advertising is a must for the modern entrepreneur. If you’re going to make a splash, you should spend some of your advertising budget on print and banner ads, but


Blogging, Business, Marketing

The Impact of Original Content for Your Business’s Online Presence

Content is what defines our websites. Without original content, be it on your blog, product descriptions and even your images, you’re not going to grow your business or expose your


Advertising, Marketing

How To Make The Most of Facebook Advertising

Facebook recently celebrated reaching its 2 billion user base. But honestly the audiance is much larger and only going to get bigger. Not to forget, the internet is the only


Tech, Tips

Boost Your PCs Security With These 5 Awesome Chrome Add-Ons!

Browser security is extremely important. Even with all the best antivirus software out there today, it’s important to use Chrome add-ons to help guard against malicious attacks. The following 5


Advertising, Art, Branding, Business, Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration, Marketing, Tech, Tips, Web

Unique Japanese Web Design Inspiration

We recently did a piece on Japan and it’s creative promotion culture and how out of the box some of their ways of marketing truly are, while doing that piece


Advertising, Branding, Business, Design, Freelance, Inspiration, Marketing, Tips

How To Stand Out In Online Retail Space

2015 is expected to be a busy and fruitful year for all retailers. According to a report, U.S. eCommerce sales will grow to $279 billion in 2015. Increased use of