Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

Power Protection for Critical Systems in Demanding Environments

Systems that are critical to the operation and performance of our fast-moving lives function with no interruption since we are living in a fast-paced world that is highly connected. From


Geek, Lifehacks, Tips

Essential Car Maintenance That You Should Be Financially Prepared For

Maintaining your car is a cost that you should be prepared for. When your vehicle requires maintenance or repairs, it shouldn’t be a surprise to you or a total shock


Reviews, Tech

OnePlus 5T Review

OnePlus have managed to cultivate something of a ‘giant killer’ reputation in recent years. The Chinese smartphone manufacturer have somehow managed to deliver a string of mobiles that are able


Tech, Tips

iWish I Never Bought This iPhone In The First Place!

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Apple is the most popular provider of cell phones in the world. Even with the resurgence of Samsung, the iPhone is comfortably everyone’s


Inspiration, Photography, Tips, Travel

10 Essential Photography ‘Must-Haves’ For Any Traveler

Clicking selfies might be the most trending thing for the new generation, but if you’re a serious travel photographer then you’ll admit that real photography is way more than clicking


Tech, Travel

How Many Cords Do You Really Need in Your Travel Bag? Let’s Find Out

Are you bringing a laptop on your next trip? If so, we know you will need at least one cord to provide power. Some travelers only connect to the internet


Mobile, Tech

Myths About Your iPhone Battery – Busted

It has to be said that iPhones do divide opinion, with some people seeing them as nothing more than a flashy, beautiful toy – all form and not that much


3D, Art, Design, Geek, Inspiration, Print, Tech

150+ Examples of Creative, Amazing, & Epic Robot Design Inspiration – Artworks, Illustrations & Creations!

Like Robots? OF COURSE YOU DO. Everyone likes robots. In our everyday life we encounter robots and use them every day, in the form of ATM machines, Phones and Computers.