TGIF! Its Friday! My Father is improving everyday and it is such a blessing, Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers! I Will probably be spending a good part
#WDNDL For 7/08/2009 – Packaging, Logos, Login/Contact Page Inspirations & MORE!
Its Wednesday! My Father is improving everyday and it is such a blessing, Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers!! Todays post is full of awesome Inspirations and some
#WDNDL For 7/01/2009 – AJAX!! and Web Inspirations!!
Its Wednesday and If you haven’t heard, my Great Grandmother Died last night at the ripe old age of 100! Sad news to hear but she had a very fulfilled
#WDNDL For 6/24/2009 – CSS3, jQuery Plugins, WP Guides, Interviews & Web Interfaces(UX/UI)!
Happy Wednesday! Todays post is HUGE!! If you couldn’t tell by the title, there are a ton of great links here here for jQuery and WordPress junkies, Even some great
#WDNDL For 6/21/2009 – Weekend Edition!
Hope you are enjoying the weekend! Here is a list of links to keep you busy through the rest of it! Hope you enjoy todays post and pass it to
#WDNDL For 6/04/2009 – HILARIOUSNESS! Also, CSS and WP!
Its Thursday! One day to go till FRIDAY! Todays post will keep you laughing as there were SEVERAL hilarious posts I found yesterday, some for programmers and others for Social
#WDNDL For 5/29/2009 – CSS, Javascript, Typography, and PHP Resources Edition!
TGIF! So Today I put together some really High Quality CSS, Javascript, Typography, and PHP Links to get us through the day and to enjoy over the weekend, Hope you
#WDNDL For 5/24/2009 – Weekend Web Update!
HOORAY Its the weekend! Most of us in the U.S. are getting an extra day off! Enjoy it! Here are some great links to look into this weekend, Hope you